I have a good relationship with the world. But I don't know what the trick is to maintaining it.

It's impossible to always move forward, but sometimes even maintaining the status quo is enough.

I ask the members of the Knesset to be very strict about maintaining the principles of democracy.

I don't worry about maintaining the quality of my life, because every day I work on improving it.

The price of maintaining membership in the establishment is unquestioning acceptance of authority.

We have been maintaining a standard of living by putting things on the debt of the next generation.

Government is not just about maintaining the status quo. It's about helping people's lives to work.

Paperwork is the embalming fluid of bureaucracy, maintaining an appearance of life where none exists.

Maintaining boundaries is hard. That's why I strongly prefer the physical separation of work and home.

Health reform is an essential part of restoring America's economy and maintaining our competitiveness.

That's my biggest struggle, is maintaining a personal romantic relationship. It takes a lot of effort.

Cooking simple, delicious meals at home is the key to maintaining your family's healthy eating habits.

I am totally committed to maintaining the freedom and equality America has to provide to every citizen.

My role as a producer is very specific. It's maintaining the creative truthfulness, day in and day out.

I have no interest in maintaining a relationship with someone who didn’t love me enough to stick around.

Ultimately, my greatest achievement is maintaining my career while sustaining a happy marriage and kids.

Expanding internationally is exciting and fun, but the hardest part is really about maintaining culture.

If youre not concerned about maintaining an image, you can pursue roads that another actor might not take.

My feeling is that maintaining financial independence is also a healthy way to keep my feet on the ground.

The most fundamental important thing for me as an actor is maintaining a sense of play. It's so important.

If you're not concerned about maintaining an image, you can pursue roads that another actor might not take.

There are a great many people who have a vested interest in maintaining the stupidity of the American public.

There is a correlation between people who attack same-sex marriage and have difficulty maintaining their own.

Moral values, and a culture and a religion, maintaining these values are far better than laws and regulations.

Maintaining clean, safe water remains one of our greatest national and global challenges and responsibilities.

A lot of people are concerned with staying physically young...I'm more interested in maintaining my curiosity.

A lot of the jobs I had revolved around metal fabrication and creating and building and maintaining equipment.

Eating at regular intervals in small amounts and not starving yourself is the key to maintaining your figures.

I'm always battling how to be in a relationship while simultaneously maintaining my independence and my career.

Maintaining marriage seems to be tougher than fatherhood: apparently its the most difficult thing in the world.

Maintaining marriage seems to be tougher than fatherhood: apparently it's the most difficult thing in the world.

Maintaining a relationship is easy when you both are in same profession because you understand the work pattern.

I suppose that's why new music and I go well together, because new music often requires maintaining great rhythm.

Enduring setbacks while maintaining the ability to show others the way to go forward is a true test of leadership.

Privacy is an inherent human right, and a requirement for maintaining the human condition with dignity and respect.

I feel very passionate about maintaining the same level of standard and respect for the food as an Iron Chef myself.

To contemplate a thing implies maintaining oneself OUTSIDE it, resolved to keep a distance between it and ourselves.

People who are in power make their arrangements in secret, largely as a way of maintaining and furthering that power.

Maintaining a consistent platform also helps improve product support - a significant problem in the software industry.

Every day in training, we will try to work to keep improving the things we can do and maintaining the levels we're at.

I was interested in maintaining the dignity and the hearts of the songs, letting them breathe and become what they are.

The degree of tolerance attainable at any moment depends on the strain under which society is maintaining its cohesion.

Public education has served as a check on the power of parents, and this is another powerful reason for maintaining it.

Maintaining confidence in international trade will be critical to the broader economic recovery in the post-Covid world.

Maintaining your hydration status is probably the most important thing, along with rest, that you can do with a hangover.

A fish is more valuable swimming in the sea maintaining the integrity of oceanic eco-systems than it is on anyone's plate.

'Law 3' shows my growth as a rapper. I don't really like maintaining, so on every project, I'm going to show you my growth.

Eating wildlife is probably not the smartest thing that we can do in terms of maintaining the integrity of natural systems.

Imagine maintaining 70 brands in a digital world - it is a nonsense. It is better to focus on a fewer, more distinct brands.

Courage is a quality so necessary for maintaining virtue, that it is always respected, even when it is associated with vice.

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