I just think good actors are the main reason to make movies.

Well, I think probably the main reason people overeat is stress.

No question, everybody knows my back was the main reason I retired.

9/11 is probably the main reason I didn't release an album for five years.

The main reason for the armed resistance is the American military presence.

My reputation is the main reason why a lot of things don't go my way on the court.

The main reason why I would even potentially go to the NFL Draft is for my family.

The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.

I always feel calmer when I exercise. In fact, that's probably the main reason I exercise.

I think the main reason my marriages failed is that I always loved too well but never wisely.

The main reason I didn't work in Bollywood was due to the tremendous pressure on me in Bengal.

I am very grateful to Telugu movies, as they have been the main reason for my entry into Bollywood.

I'm sure some cynical people would point to that as the main reason for doing it for a lot of people.

The main reason we've been the party out of power so long is we haven't had a good nominating process.

The main reason I wanted to be successful was to get out of the ghetto. My parents helped direct my path.

The main reason I got released from Shrewsbury in the first place was for what I was doing off the pitch.

We do benefits for various groups. But the main reason to be B-52's is to have fun and party and go nuts.

Gun skill is never the main reason why someone is talented at a game. It's literally their decision making.

The main reason I'm in this sport is not to run mouths and make posts on Twitter and stuff. It's to compete.

PSG - I think they had a money problem and they couldn't buy players. This is the main reason I didn't go there.

The main reason I backed DeepMind was strategic: I see my role as bridging the AI research and AI safety communities.

My main reason for leaving WWE was to heal up my body - to give it a rest - and to spend time with my wife and my kids.

The main reason people want to pay for Spotify is really portability. People are saying, 'I want to have my music with me.'

The main reason I did 'Captain America' was because I wanted to get out of my own head and stop taking my work so seriously.

Jeff Wachtel, who was the main reason our show came back, and also got picked up to begin with, is from the New York theater.

That's actually the main reason I decided to leave WWE: the brutal schedule that you have when you work for a company like WWE.

People get involved not just in politics but in groups and sects and... forget the main reason why we're here: to worship Allah.

I shaved my head a week or two before senior year. People used to ask me why, and the main reason is that having hair felt terrible.

I play vinyl and CDs. Playing vinyl is the best sound quality you can get playing music loudly, so that's the main reason I do that.

The main reason I went on Twitter was to look at golfers like Lee Westwood, Ian Poulter and Rory McIlroy and see what they are up to.

No other creatures of the savannah sleep as deeply or as soundly as lions, but after all, lions are the main reason for not sleeping soundly.

History is full of really good stories. That's the main reason I got into this racket: I want to make the argument that history is interesting.

The main reason I have joined Everton is not to try to help my England ambitions - that will come if I am playing consistently well for Everton.

The main reason why we look constantly to the Gita is that, whenever we need help, we may get it from the Gita. And, indeed, we always do get it.

I went to Japan to experience a new culture, and I would recommend that any footballer does that. But the main reason I went was to play football.

To my mind, the main reason for the Depression in the United States as a whole, is the bondage of debt and the spirit of speculation among the people.

The main reason to come to England and Chelsea was to play with a great team. Money and the chance to live in a city like London are additional factors.

I think the main reason a lot of child stars don't make it is that it's hard to see someone as cute and then all of a sudden see them as having more depth.

The main reason I started The Katie Piper Foundation was because I had treatment abroad that I wanted other burns survivors in this country to have access to.

If your main reason for opening a bar is to have somewhere for you and your friends to hang out, then build a bar in your basement, and stay out of the industry.

While having friends shouldn't be the main reason why you love your job, it definitely makes the work day run a lot more smoothly when you have a workplace buddy.

My father believed that the higher you put your goal, the higher you reach. That was the main reason me and my sisters were playing mostly against male competitors.

The main reason for our achievements is teamwork. It's quite simply the group of people that are here at Red Bull Racing and Red Bull Technology working as one unit.

The main reason I quit was my lower back. I've had problems for a few years. It was affecting my movement and power. I had to have various injections and procedures.

Also, I thought the main reason people get married is to have children. And since having kids had never been of interest to me, I didn't think marriage was necessary.

I have a great deal of respect for Coach Fitch. When we won the championship in '81, he was the main reason why we won. We were down and he never let us doubt ourselves.

We do live in an environment of crony capitalism, and the main reason we do is that loopholes are for sale, and both parties have their hands out through those loopholes.

The main reason I got into comedy was in the hope that I could make a few people laugh and feel better about life, and the fact that I do that is quite overwhelming, really.

I prefer to get my own picture of people and Pep was the main reason that I moved to City. I am very happy with how things have gone, both personally and in a sporting sense.

It's the main reason why I continue to push myself and my career to do more and more as the amount that you're able to raise for charity and to give to charity by my celebrity.

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