They said I was a valued customer. Now they send me hate mail.

If you receive so much fan mail, it does touch you personally.

I don’t e-mail, I’ve never felt the particular need to e-mail.

I've got terrible hate mail basically saying I'm vile and evil.

In the office, the mail that came in was always 10 to 1 for me.

Congratulations. Your official super-nerd badge is in the mail.

One time I got fan mail that was from Africa. It's really neat.

Learning music by reading about it is like making love by mail.

Direct mail - it falls out of every magazine you open these days

It makes me so much calmer when I’m responding to e-mails later.

I love reader mail, and I do read it, but I won't read hate mail.

I don't get fan mail. It disappeared with the digital revolution.

Every day, I get five pieces of hate mail: Tweets or hate emails.

How can one not be fond of something that the Daily Mail despises?

I never got any kind of mail regarding whatever I did on the show.

I believe in opening mail once a month, whether it needs it or not.

Using e-mail, I can communicate with scientists all over the world.

The vast majority of my fan mail comes from older women and gay men.

Any editing, software work, and mail is done in this exported Plan 9

I found through my fan mail that women... really wanted a role model.

Every girl on the planet was familiar to one-last-time e-mail checks.

Red notification bubbles on any icon, including mail, drive me crazy.

Any editing, software work, and mail is done in this exported Plan 9.

I hate the computer. I hate their spell-check. I won't ever do e-mail.

I communicate mostly via e-mail and receive hundreds of e-mails a day.

My mail address is open for anyone, and I read all my mails by myself.

Dreams are like letters from God. Isn't it time you answered your mail?

I want to be a person that isn't surrounded by their mail and their cat.

I get a lot of fan mail and stuff, and usually it's for me to sign stuff.

I like to write paper mail - nobody does that anymore - with my pen pals.

I started on the fringes of journalism as a cartoonist on The Daily Mail.

I don't think you're entitled to read my mail between my daughters and me.

It seems a long time since the morning mail could be called correspondence.

All that means is that it wasn't personal to you. But it was personal to me.

I would really hate to have e-mail. It's bad enough with all the mail I get.

E-mail is interesting. We can't live with it, and you can't live without it.

I take the fan response very seriously and respond personally to my fan mail.

I get hate mail. I get bad mail. People say they will boycott you or the team.

I don't read bad mail. I don't save mail. I'm too old to read negative things.

I personally call one of my fans every month. I answer all of my own fan mail.

Jim Henson was the only piece of fan mail I ever wrote when I was a little kid.

Everybody is a writer. Everybody uses e-mail and has Facebook pages and tweets.

Mail your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas.

I saw that e-mail was insidiously invading Phones 4u so I banned it immediately.

E-mail has some magical ability to turn off the politeness gene in a human being.

You wouldn't believe the kind of hate mail I get about my work on irregular verbs.

Large men in black plate mail with red cloaks and plumes don't sneak worth a damn.

Fan mail is one thing, but fans you meet in person are a different matter entirely.

I'm not very technically minded. I mean, I don't know how to do e-mail on computers.

I get so lonely sometimes, I could put a box on my head and mail myself to a stranger.

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