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Hapiness can only be found if you can free yourself of all other distractions.
There's only one thing that can save a man from madness and that's uncertainty.
If there must be madness, something may be said for having it on a heroic scale
Madness is a divine release of the soul from the yoke of custom and convention.
No Chess Grandmaster is normal; they only differ in the extent of their madness
He in his madness prays for storms, and dreams that storms will bring him peace.
I like playing someone with a certain stability at the periphery of the madness.
The single biggest act of bravery or madness anyone can do is the act of change.
Democritus maintains that there can be no great poet without a spite of madness.
The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means.
Without madness what is man But a wholesome beast, Postponed corpse that begets?
The sort of liveliness which increases with age is not far distant from madness.
When one experiences truth, the madness of finding fault with others disappears.
My backyard was replete with madness, it just grew indigenously in South Florida.
Madness is never that far away. It's as close as saying yes to the wrong impulse.
The danger is [in using psychedelic drugs], just to put it out there, is madness.
What is madness? To have erroneous perceptions and to reason correctly from them.
Hospitality sometimes degenerates into profuseness, and ends in madness and folly.
A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free.
Love is horrible. I mean, when you're in love, it's like a sickness. Such madness.
He regarded himself as an accomplished writer — a clear sign of madness in anyone.
In the end, madness is worse than injustice, and justice far sweeter than freedom.
Explore the internet long enough and you'll see completely balls out madness there.
Even if one understands that what one is doing is mad, it is indeed still madness -
Life, this endless conversation with yourself. Silent in sanity, audible in madness.
Put all your rage and madness into your work and live as orderly a life as possible.
Only those things are beautiful which are inspired by madness and written by reason.
What can everyone do? Praise and blame. This is human virtue, this is human madness.
Hulkamania is like a single grain of sand in the Sahara desert that is Macho Madness.
A man is hindered and distracted in proportion as he draws outward things to himself.
Madness is only a variety of mental nonconformity and we are all individualists here.
Sometimes the crowd is the madness - at others it's the absence of the crowd that is.
It's not the one thing nor the other that leads to madness, but the space in between.
When you're in a different place every day, there's this kind of madness that sets in.
One of the points about distractions is that everything that they do is destabilizing.
I have harnessed the shadows that stride from world to world to sow death and madness.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.
There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
What is madness To those who only observe, is often wisdom To those to whom it happens.
Men are so necessarily mad, that not to be mad would amount to another form of madness.
Great wits are sure to madness near allied, and thin partitions do their bounds divide.
If in life we are surrounded by death, so too in the health of our intellect by madness.
Science has not yet taught us if madness is or is not the sublimity of the intelligence.
It was ability that mattered, not disability, which is a word I'm not crazy about using.
I'm not an academic type in term of personality. I had my share of madness as a teenager.
I don't carry the burden of the past or the madness of the future. I live in the present.
Madness is rare in individuals - but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule.
There is a method to the madness when it comes to placing everything in your refrigerator.
I've got a quote for you, a good quote to describe Television...In madness there is order.
Everyone dreams of playing March Madness and playing in those tournaments, big-time games.