Madison Avenue is afraid of the dark.

I love playing at Madison Square Garden.

Madison Square Gardens is the Mecca of boxing.

Bill of Rights was Madison, I'm going with Madison.

The Madison Square Garden is a great arena to play at.

To restore America we need less Marx and more Madison.

Madison loathed Hamilton and loved Jefferson above all.

Madison Square Garden is one of the greatest arenas in the world.

Madison Square Garden is one of the best fighting venues in the world.

I was actually born in Madison, Wisconsin, but raised in urban Missouri.

It was hard for me to hear anyone saying they didn't like 'Billy Madison.'

It's amazing to see places like Madison Square Garden on the schedule again.

Madison lived in his head and public speaking did not come naturally to him.

Performing at Madison Square Garden is a real honor, so we had a lot of fun.

I used to know Madison Avenue advertisers. I didn't like 'em. Bunch of jerks.

I always said that I want to sell out Madison Square Garden before I turn 21.

The very first time I went to Madison Square Garden, I went to see the circus.

In 'Billy Madison,' I worked with Adam before anyone really knew he was Adam Sandler.

Everyone is treating it like a Hollywood story. In Madison, it's a neighborhood story.

I don't really identify myself as white or African-American. I'm just me. I'm Madison.

Many of the stranger but most frequently quoted scenes in 'Billy Madison' were unplanned.

I went to Madison Square Garden and saw a basketball game. I said, 'Imagine fighting here.'

I want to fight in Madison Square Garden because it's the mecca of boxing. This is my dream.

I have a lot of memories of Falls Church. I went to grade school in Madison Elementary School.

There's more musical freedom on Madison Avenue than anywhere else. It's an Eden for a composer.

I hope that Ring Of Honor could one day sell out Madison Square Garden when WWE is not in town.

I was fortunate enough to fight at Madison Square Garden, Vegas and the City of Manchester Stadium.

Everybody know I sold out the Madison Square Garden and I most famous American Iranian in the world.

Burt Reynolds, the first time I met him, he introduced me at Madison Square Garden at Wrestlemania X.

When I got back to Madison Avenue, I realized that copywriters made more than artists, so I switched.

It's always been a dream of mine to fight at Madison Square Garden, and it's something I really relish.

They say that Madison Avenue will only pay high dollars in advertising if they get the 18-35 age range.

If I'm walking very, very fast down Madison Avenue in the middle of the day, I'll say I'm stopped 10 times.

Since James Madison day (and long before), there have been constant struggles over "democratic governance".

Once you become more like Madison Avenue, you become acutely sensitive to what's going to annoy your clients.

I am honored to receive the James Beard award and so incredibly proud of my entire team at Eleven Madison Park.

My second pro fight was at Madison Square Garden, on the undercard of Naseem Hamed's fight against Kevin Kelley.

Madison Avenue makes us addicts of consumerism, using glass wampum to steal our capacity to direct our own lives.

For my fans around the world, I am pleased to be joining the WWE Hall of Fame, especially at Madison Square Garden.

That was the top of the line for me. New York City... Madison Square Garden. Oh my Lord! I loved it so much, brudda.

With Late Night Show I can begin the search for the real Stephen Colbert.I just hope I don't find him on Ashley Madison.

If I beat Canelo Alvarez at Madison Square Garden, I wake up the next day the king of New York and the new face of boxing.

Where I've come from and my background, to fight at Madison Square Garden against the biggest name in boxing is unbelievable.

You know why Madison Avenue advertising has never done well in Harlem? We're the only ones who know what it means to be Brand X.

Copywriters on Madison Avenue constantly grapple with the question of where their work sits on the totem pole of 'real' writing.

Like everybody know, six years, nobody beat Mr. Bob Backlund. I beat him in most famous arena in the world, Madison Square Garden.

I fought Miguel Cotto in Madison Square Garden on the eve of the Puerto Rican Day parade - it was like fighting the devil in Hell.

'Tempting the Best Man' centers around Madison Daniels, who's had a major crush on her brother's best friend since she was a girl.

As a hockey player, playing for an Original Six team at Madison Square Garden, where it's packed every night, there's nothing like it.

Men of Virginia, countrymen of Washington, of Patrick Henry, of Jefferson, and of Madison, will ye be true to your constitutional faith?

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