The way is shut. It was made by those who are Dead, and the Dead keep it, until the time comes. The way is shut.

Speaking of things that'll make your head explode, "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story" finally made it to the drive-in

I have a very strong, very proven record that I am not a compromiser. [...] I have a spine made out of titanium.

It's a repressive society where you can't be horrible, I'm not horrible, they made me horrible, I'm just honest.

I made friends with a lot of those who could have criticized me in print and who didn't, who praised me instead.

I literally have zero friends. So I like people to adore me, but I never had a talent that made people adore me.

The process of change is made up of subtraction and addition. Taking something off and then puttin something on.

Many people tell me what I ought to do and just how I ought to do it, but Few have made me want to do something.

The Elders were closer to the Maker of All Things and should be deferred to whenever they made their will known.

I like crafts that are made out of necessity because they're a little naive - you made it because you needed it.

I've made peace with the fact that the things that I thought were weaknesses or flaws were just me. I like them.

I never think of stories as made things; I think of them as found things. As if you pull them out of the ground.

Gold medals are made out of your sweat, blood and tears, and effort in the gym every day, and sacrificing a lot.

I always felt that if I made a movie, it would be one movie; I didn't see how they could make 26 swimming movies.

My main thing is constantly looking forward and trying to make music that I couldn't have made at any other time.

I made sure no butt cheek hung out. You know, the original Daisy, Catherine Bach's shorts were shorter than mine.

The difference between a beautifully made failure and a beautifully made hit is who you've got playing the leads.

Fortunately, it doesn't seem to have made a lot of difference to my audience that I'm as bald as a billiard ball!

Are we so made that we have to take death in small doses daily or we could not go on with the business of living?

If you don't make a decision about how you are going to live, then you have already made a decision, haven't you?

I am a red man. If the Great Spirit had desired me to be a white man he would have made me so in the first place.

Most failures could have been converted into successes if someone had held on another minute or made more effort.

I grasped two things: I wasn't as happy as I could be, and my life wasnt going to change unless I made it change.

Please, please, please, please, please...,", squeezing his eyes shut because it somehow made the words more pure.

I didn't know your identity, but I had an impression of who my opponent was, being surrounded by things you made.

Neither make thy friend equal to a brother; but if thou shalt have made him so, be not the first to do him wrong.

It can be made only when one recognizes the ground of being itself, when one recognizes directly that One is All.

There have been so many instances in my life where movies, music, or literature has made my life tangibly better.

My serve and my forehand I pretty much always had, but my backhand was a made backhand. I worked on it for years.

Whenever I go anywhere but Italy for a vacation, I always feel vaguely disappointed, as if I have made a mistake.

During my early period I had custom-made overdrive stuff because I didn't like what they were making at the time.

Thanks to television, for the first time the young are seeing history made before it is censored by their elders.

A lot of my friends aren't working, especially since fewer films are being made now and there's more competition.

If a person has a contribution to make, he must make it in public. If learning is not made public, it is a waste.

What I made depended on what I found on the street. At least in the beginning, my materials came from the street.

I believe in Karma. If the good is sown, the good is collected. When positive things are made, that returns well.

I have made a short excursion into the new world which the Indian dwells in, or is. He begins where we leave off.

Even though I have often recorded alone, I still feel the best music is made by musicians playing off each other.

There's often an assumption you're more privileged if you belong to a family with people who have made a success.

I always thought happiness was a choice and I always chose things that made me happy, and books were one of those.

I have a big forehead, and I got made fun of all time. When I was a little girl, they used to call me 'five-head.'

If Doctor Nolan asked me for the matches, I would say that I'd thought they were made of candy and had eaten them.

With "Let's Dance," there was actually a chance that I was actually going to be able to keep the money I had made.

A sentence is made up of words, a statement is made in words.... Statements are made, words or sentences are used.

It made me feel that I had to work very hard, but I've always felt I had to work very hard to get my own approval.

How do you know antiquity was foolish? How do you know the present is wise? Who made it foolish? Who made it wise?

John Cena's work ethic is beyond reproach. It's been phenomenal to see what he does and he's made himself a brand.

I learned that you've never made it, you've never arrived, you're never too good, you're never above anybody else.

You know the sting of losing or not getting something you badly want. When that happens show what you are made of.

Plans made swiftly and intuitively are likely to have flaws. Plans made carefully and comprehensively are sure to.

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