Science makes no claim to infallibility; it leaves that claim to be made by theologians.

She feared the unknown as we all do, and her ignorance made the unknown infinitely vast.

No great achiever - even those who made it seem easy - ever succeeded without hard work.

We have made people in the industry and the people that see us aware that God loves them

There is scarcely an instance of a man who has made a fortune by speculation and kept it

I think 'Make love, not war' might be the most profound statement that's ever been made.

The amazing thing about any movie is not whether it's good, but that it got made at all.

My harmony is passable but is usually made more eloquent at the hands of Steve Hamilton.

I never made a mistake in grammar but one in my life and as soon as I done it I seen it.

Creativity: that which wasn't there before, but which can be made simply and completely.

I belong to the public. The public made me. The public can break me. I owe them my life.

We said that pledges made in the peace process need to be fulfilled as soon as possible.

Angels are like diamonds. They can't be made, you have to find them. Each one is unique.

I would never write something that made me uncomfortable. Im not sure its even possible.

The press made me something I really wasn't and I tried to live up to what they made me.

Great ladies ... are like the best sauces -- it is better not to know how they are made.

I am all for changing, even if mistakes are made in the process. Mistakes do not matter.

If I say something which you understand fully in this regard, I probably made a mistake.

Be what you are. Don't change yourself for anything. God made you that way for a reason.

Do not presume to choose your own way of serving instead of the one I have made for you.

Consciousness ... is the phenomenon whereby the universe's very existence is made known.

When you have made good friends with yourself, your situation will be more friendly too.

The Following and Hannibal are really well made, but the tone is very consistently dark.

The part we play is not as we want it, but as we are made-with the genitals God gave us.

If the effort also is predestined, it is not the less our effort, made of our free will.

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.

Even swadeshi, like any other good thing, can be ridden to death if it is made a fetish.

Music helped me, growing up: it very much felt like a companion and made me less lonely.

You are magnificent beyond measure, perfect in your imperfections, and wonderfully made.

Once the divinity we worshipped made itself visible and comprehensible, we crucified it.

Isn't that weird, we've made nature against the law. That's how un-natural we've become.

You cannot learn what you are made of if you rely on anyone or anything else to help you.

Laws or ordinances unobserved, or partially attended to, had better never have been made.

Something cannot be made out of nothing. Nor can something be made to go back to nothing.

The world always seems brighter when you've just made something that wasn't there before.

Certainly in each social period, youth must be made to venerate the dominant absurdities.

Changes made to please others are unrealistic, but more important, they're unfair to you.

What was a really private and nice relationship was judged and made to be something ugly.

Some good, some so-so, and lots plain bad: that's how a book of poems is made, my Friend.

The biggest mistake made by emerging speakers is that they discount their own experience.

Light-heartedness always made Soames suspicious - there was generally some reason for it.

I like southern girls. They talk so slow that by the time they say no, I made it already.

What made me sign with the Cardinals? Because they used salesmanship, the personal touch.

Thank God for Heaven! - That's where everything will get straightened out and made right!

Love is too prone to trust. Would I could think My charges false and all too rashly made.

Our future is not unpredictable, our future is simply the result of choices we have made.

In not making the decision, you've made one. Not doing something is the same as doing it.

I have never grown out of the infantile belief that the universe was made for me to suck.

The ability to change constantly and effectively is made easier by high-level continuity.

I've always made sequels, even when I was making Super 8 movies if the audience liked it.

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