Thou hast brought the distant near and made a brother of the stranger.

Something made greater by ourselves and in turn that makes us greater.

God made me the way that I am and it’s my business to be true to that.

This mix of willingness and passion made me the businesswoman I am now.

Later it might see moronic, but at that time it all made perfect sense.

If God made anything better than women, I think he kept it for himself.

I once was absolutely useless, and God in His grace has made me useful.

In almost every garden, the land is made better and so is the gardener.

Most of the gaffes I've made have not been funny - they've been stupid.

I'm going to sleep well tonight knowing that I made the right decision.

Just the act of cooking made her feel better, because cooking was life.

I don't feel I made any sacrifices at all. I'm doing my best to juggle.

They say marriages are made in Heaven. But so is thunder and lightning.

The great wars of the 20th Century made it into the worst Century ever.

I'm only twenty-five. If I've made a mistake I have time to correct it.

Our dreams are made of real things, like a shoebox full of photographs.

Books stay with me and have shaped me and made huge impacts on my life.

We have not only multiplied diseases, but we have made them more fatal.

I've been the queen of dysfunction and made every mistake one can make.

When you say that something is impossible, you have made it impossible.

Much like a GPS, love re-calibrates itself if you've made a wrong turn.

Gosh, I made so many mistakes. I mean I still make mistakes. We all do.

Choices are made in brief seconds and paid for in the time that remains

The Birds could be the most terrifying motion picture I have ever made.

I liked finding dirt on people. It made all my trespasses seem trivial.

No great art has ever been made without the artist having known danger.

Every woman I have ever known has made a lasting impression on my soul.

Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.

My old life - no amount of getting used to it would have made it right.

Every suit I wear is custom-made by a guy named Waraire Boswell in L.A.

Market forces impose certain rules before a film can actually get made.

Customs are made for customary circumstances, and customary characters.

I wanted a library like this...[] A cave of words that I'd made myself.

If you knew who God made you to be, you'd never want to be anyone else.

Poetry can only be made out of other poems; novels out of other novels.

A man was the sum of his limits; freedom only made him see how much so.

I will watch everything that Cary Grant did, or Kubrick made or Bergman.

Allah made the faith for you as a purity from polytheism (and unbelief).

The hardship of living in a refugee camp made me psychologically strong.

In all matters, before beginning, a diligent preparation should be made.

I even made love to myself once. Uhh, I wasn't suppose to tell you that.

There are moments where history is made... This is one of those moments.

We are made for one another, and each is to be a supply to his neighbor.

The body of a beautiful woman is not made for love; it is too exquisite.

If you've made your own hell, then only you have the power to escape it.

Almost any mistake you can make in running a company, I've probably made

If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.

Who friendship with a knave hath made, Is judged a partner in the trade.

I did not come into football to make money. I had already made millions.

I've made all my money on my own without my family and I work very hard.

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