Maybe her own tears were the poison that made her grow.

No wonder this circuit failed. It says 'Made in Japan'.

Know that you were made [the way you are] for a reason.

You can't find returns in investments you haven't made.

I'm a Hawaiian shirt guy. I've made that life decision.

I'm still finding my way, and I made a lot of mistakes.

Anyone who feels like a fool has made a good beginning.

I've made a profit from everything I have done in life.

I've made far too many mistakes. That's the way I feel.

Richard Prince's most famous photograph was made by me.

It was marrying that made women appreciate other women.

Men would always rather be made love to than talked at.

Emancipation of women has made them lose their mystery.

Under questioning, a terrorist should be made to yield.

Liverpool was made for me and I was made for Liverpool.

You cannot think your way out of a box made of thought.

Let the blacksmith wear the chains he has himself made.

A successful marriage is made up of two good forgivers.

I didn't want it to be a book that made pronouncements.

Travelers, there is no path, paths are made by walking.

A bugler sounded the Last Post. Heartbreak made audible.

I'm not one for blaspheming, but that one made me laugh.

We've made hyper motherhood a measure of female success.

I made a big mistake. It is indefensible and I am sorry.

The newest is but the oldest made visible to our senses.

In my heart of hearts I believe I was made to entertain.

Nature is made to conspire with spirit to emancipate us.

...I rejoiced in the flaws that made her more real to me

I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest.

Bonds are made to be broken," he said. "Just like rules.

It's not the mistakes I made but how I responded to them

Organisms by their design are not made to adapt too far.

The price you pay to win is nothing once you've made it!

I only made $200 a week and I had to buy my own bullets.

Variety made the Revolution. Liberty was just a pretext.

Hearts can't be broken because they're made of marzipan.

Have you two made friendly with the privates yet? (Eros)

Old God sure was in a good mood when he made this place.

A cross centered life is made up of cross centered days.

43.7 per cent of all statistics are made up on the spot.

If a film is well made, then great, whatever it's about.

What makes me laugh? Richard Nixon always made me laugh.

I never made a person look bad. They do that themselves.

You shouldn't never regret something that made you smile

I don't think time is involved in how the thing is made.

the choices we made today were templates for the future.

Greater inequality in Europe has made people less happy.

I can't believe we really made it, I'm partly surprised.

Nothing can stop us now 'cause we are all made of stars.

Religious belief has made me comfortable with ambiguity.

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