My washing machine overwhelms me with its options and its sophistication.

I'm much better at saying something on the answering machine than texting.

You see, we are not machines and we do not have lots of ideas in a drawer.

If you listen to what's on the pop charts, everything is machine oriented.

Don't you have a machine that puts food into the mouth and pushes it down?

To understand a program, you must become both the machine and the program.

Swarms are one very simple way of keeping ourselves ahead of the machines.

Excess capacity in people, machines, or property will be quickly absorbed.

The company just needs to see you as like this maniacal execution machine.

To curb the machine and limit art to handicraft is a denial of opportunity.

As a precaution, we’re making machines extremely heavy with very tiny legs.

Our machines are disturbingly lively, and we ourselves frighteningly inert.

We're a machine and we have to be worked in the same way we have to be fed.

A journalistic purpose could be someone with a Xerox machine in a basement.

I occasionally go to the gym and I lift free weights, I don't use machines.

Vibration is always good. Sitting on top of the washing machine thats going.

Like any large organisation, public or private, the UN is a complex machine.

I need paper and pen to release my imagination. I can't create on a machine.

The dead have no ears, no answering machines that we know of, still we call.

It is only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful they are.

Every video [slot] gambling machine takes $60,000 out of the consumer economy

Probability of human error is considerably higher than that of machine error.

My family collects vintage pinball machines, so I have a few in my apartment.

The guitar is a much more efficient machine than a computer. More responsive.

In today's world, human beings are dying and human machines are taking birth.

People are fascinated by robots because they're machines that can mimic life.

I've found it's better to talk to the machine and hang up if I get the person.

If India becomes the slave of the machine, then, I say, heaven save the world.

Litigation: A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage.

I don't have perfect pitch. My drums sound like a drummer, not a drum machine.

In fact UN is more of a galaxy of organisations and agencies than one machine.

The saxophone is a very interesting machine, but I'm more interested in music.

Almost anyone you talk to will say, 'I don't want to die plugged into machines.

They build machines they can't control, and bury the waste in a great big hole.

I am not some kind of computer. Only machines have glib answers for everything.

Taxing corporations means unnecessarily burdening our wealth-creating machines.

After all, it is we who adapt to the machine. The machine does not adapt to us.

What do you wear on a running machine? I can't bring myself to wear flat shoes.

Nature is a machine. The family is a machine. The life cycle is like a machine.

For most purposes, a man with a machine is better than a man without a machine.

Langmuir is a regular thinking machine. Put in facts, and you get out a theory.

I am learning slowly to bring my crazy pinball-machine mind back to this place.

The accusation 'unprofessional' means 'You did not behave like a machine today.

The global economy is a doomsday machine that must be stopped and reprogrammed.

Progress is made by the improvement of people, not the improvement of machines.

At heart, I am still the guy who loves tinkering with machines and writing code.

Next I must tell about the machine of Ctesibius, which raises water to a height.

An actress is not a machine, but they treat you like a machine. A money machine.

You know you are in love when you are willing to share your cash-machine number.

Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make.

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