Your joy lies within you.

Everybody lies about sex.

What lies lurk in kisses.

I don't debate with liars.

Honor lies in honest toil.

Do not lie to the Scholar.

In the end a lie is a lie.

Art never lies, I believe.

O vanity, mislead no more!

Diplomacy: lying in state.

A lie is an excuse guarded

Cats will always lie soft.

Dogs never lie about love.

His lie ability is an asset

You know what lies are for.

You can't lie to your soul.

Art lies in concealing art.

An excuse is a lie guarded.

Half of tradition is a lie.

Everybody in politics lies.

I'm not smart enough to lie

I'm not very good at lying.

On all the peaks lies peace.

Here lies Dobby, a free elf.

Comedy is allied to justice.

I think all politicians lie.

A lie never lives to be old.

No lie ever reaches old age.

A liar freely gives his oath

Lying rides upon debt's back.

Even a lie is a psychic fact.

The soul's joy lies in doing.

Lying is a thriving Vocation.

I was a good liar as a child.

Art lies because it's social.

Stay strong. Depression lies.

I lie as truthfully as I can.

The Lord won't confirm a lie.

Art lies by its own artifice.

Priorities lie in your actions

Know when to lie to your kids.

Dandelions don't tell no lies.

Only the liar knows he's lying

Good luck lies in odd numbers.

Children and fools cannot lie.

Lake quiets, tired of my lies.

It’s not lying, it’s flirting.

Real eyes, realize, real lies.

Within chaos lies opportunity.

Most of our future lies ahead.

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