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Lord, how Thou dost afflict Thy lovers!
I sighed as a lover, I obeyed as a son.
I'm a recovering undercover over-lover.
She who boasts of lovers soon has none.
A lover's eyes will gaze an eagle blind.
I have had no true friends, only lovers.
Gamblers and lovers really play to lose.
Lovers quarrels are the renewal of love.
Tropical nights are hammocks for lovers.
I give myself to my parts as to a lover.
Love is never any better than the lover.
Cowboys make better lovers: Ask any cow.
Great lovers have made great sacrifices.
Lovers are weapons, but love is a wound.
As your lover describes you, so you are.
There is no such thing as a lovers' oath.
An old-shoe lover loves loving old shoes.
Animal lover that I am, a cougar I am not.
The poet is the complete lover of mankind.
We expect a great man to be a good reader.
An ardent lover often makes a cold friend.
Death is my lover and he wants to move in.
With faces like dead lovers who died true.
There must be 50 ways to leave your lover.
Lovers are fools, but Nature makes them so.
That’s me, man – I’m a lover not a fighter.
I've always been a great lover of baseball.
I come from a family of greedy food lovers.
Nothing is difficult in the eyes of a lover.
We're both cat lovers [with Marilyn Manson].
I'm not a good lover, but at least I'm fast.
I know what it feels like to be a gun lover.
See how the skilful lover spreads his toils.
Nudity is the costume of lovers and corpses.
One may like the love and despise the lover.
Words are the only things that last for ever.
You should always judge a book by its lovers.
Only love itself can explain love and lovers.
Be brave, young lovers, and follow your star.
True liars never love. True lovers never lie.
The music was my friend, my lover, my family.
Cat lovers know that every cat is remarkable.
I'm a lover, not a fighter. No battles for me.
A poore beauty finds more lovers then husbands.
A silent lover is one who doesn't know his job.
Among absent lovers, ardor always fares better.
God always helps madmen, lovers, and drunkards.
I was down in the sewer with some little lover.
I've always had a weakness for foreign affairs.
... to lovers innumerable things do not matter.