At least we got to see the worst haircut since 1984 try to steal the spotlight from lovely Taylor Swift.

Dear, lovely game of cricket that can stir us so profoundly, that can lift up our hearts and break them.

It is easy to love people in memory; the hard thing is to love them when they are there in front of you.

Beautiful in form and feature, lovely as the day, can there be so fair a creature formed of common clay?

What keeps you from... living your life as a painful and lovely day in the history of a great pregnancy?

I write in the morning, I walk in the afternoon and I read in the evening. It's a very easy, lovely life.

I always had a family that instilled in me red hair was my superpower and how it was such a lovely thing.

We each own one car, and we have a reasonable house. It's a lovely place to be, but it's not extravagant.

Eddie and I are overwhelmed by the amount of lovely well wishes. We are blessed and.... I'm Mrs. Cibrian!

The darkness of death is like the evening twilight; it makes all objects appear more lovely to the dying.

I have worked with a lot of kids. Most of them have been really lovely. But there are a lot of trappings.

It's rare that you get to have a lovely time of it and you're not just portraying endless trauma on film.

Lovely the woods, waters, meadows, combes, vales, All the air things wear that build this world of Wales.

Listen, Patch, I don’t want to be rude, but—” “Sure you do.” “Well, you started it!” Lovely. Very mature.

One can do such lovely things with so little. Subjects that are too beautiful end by appearing theatrical.

So imagine that the lovely moon is playing just for you - everything makes music if you really want it to.

It's just lovely to be involved in a movie that does go back to the basics - characters and great writing.

Such lovely warmth of thought and delicacy of colour are beyond all praise, and equally beyond all thanks!

It's lovely to write for the youngsters because through your story, you can teach them the lessons of life.

I was brought up in the Boys' Brigade and grew up not swearing. It's so lovely to behave decently, civilly.

Wherever I go, people are so kind and so lovely and so warm and show their best self. So I feel very lucky.

There are so many lovely cities around the U.S., around the world, that it's almost impossible to pick one.

I've been amazed by the numbers that have come out to see the torch relay, so being a part of it is lovely.

I grew up on a farm - it was a lovely life; we'd make tree houses all day - and my parents worked from home.

I love Jennifer Hudson! She is so lovely on screen. She is so buoyant and youthful off screen as much as on.

Learn much of the Lord Jesus. For every look at yourself, take ten looks at Christ. He is altogether lovely.

Death devours all lovely things; Lesbia with her sparrow Shares the darkness--presently Every bed is narrow.

I'm going to sound like an old man but at my age, it's lovely doing something that you've never done before.

I can't cut out a piece of cloth and make a lovely dress, but I can mend tears in shirts and sew on buttons.

One simply cannot pay tribute to Stephen Covey without saying at the outset that he was a lovely human being.

He was a lovely man in many ways. But he kept on insisting on forgiving me when there was nothing to forgive.

Writing about feeling disconnected has enabled me to connect, and that has been the most lovely thing of all.

By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer's best of weather And autumn's best of cheer.

I get people coming up to me and telling me that they are proud of me for what I've achieved. That is lovely.

It's so lovely to know that people who you would never think know about Bollywood, they know about Bollywood.

Mild arch of promise! on the evening sky Thou shinest fair with many a lovely ray, Each in the other melting.

Salman has always been a warm person. I have seen him grow as an actor and its always lovely working with him.

I met Patti LuPone and Elaine Paige in a party. I didnt speak too much with Patti, but she was lovely with me.

Twenty years ago, I was living in a lovely cottage on the edge of Dartmoor but I couldn't afford to run a car.

Um... Bulgaria is an interesting country. The people are lovely. There are potholes the size of small planets.

She seemed fragile like a moonflower – destined to bloom for a single lovely night, and then to fade and fall.

The fame stuff, the kind words from websites and things, are very flattering and lovely, but I just wanna act.

Diana Krall I met in, I think it was Canada. She's a lovely lady. Her husband, Elvis Costello, is a great star.

A lovely thing about Christmas is that it's compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together.

The world is very lovely, and it's very horrible--and it doesn't care about your life or mine or anything else.

Shine like the day I set cosmic eyes on you, friend, by the light of the sweet squash in my lovely laser broom.

I met Patti LuPone and Elaine Paige in a party. I didn't speak too much with Patti, but she was lovely with me.

I have always been fond of recognizing the spiritual side of someone's personality. It's a very lovely concept.

What was so lovely about 'O.J.' and 'This Is Us' to a certain extent is that I got a chance to surprise people.

In America, I can just be glamorous, which is lovely. People are happy and accepting of exactly what it is I do.

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