But a compassion for that which is not and cannot be useful and lovely, is degrading and futile.

It's lovely being a parent and being in a strong marriage with somebody who is your best friend.

I am single and childless, but I have lots of friends and I am an aunt to three lovely children.

It is lovely, when I forget all birthdays, including my own, to find that somebody remembers me.

I love the clouds... the clouds that pass by... over there... over there... those lovely clouds!

I come from a really lovely, really smart family where the only stress was money and employment.

To get to work with my idol, Martin Scorsese, has just been lovely - the highlight of my career.

Because words were hills and valleys you traveled, so lovely sometimes that they hurt your eyes.

I looked at my daughter's face and thought, it's lovely to be beautiful but better to be healthy.

In all things rest is sweet; there is sur feit even in honey, even in Aphrodite s lovely flowers.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.

My parents are very lovely people - the sort of people that one should aspire to be like, really.

I love Manchester. I really do. It's a lovely city, lovely people, and I really enjoyed it there.

Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd are really amazing, lovely people and really great comedic actors.

Sometimes poetry--words--give us a small, lovely look at ourselves. And sometimes that is enough.

They are gorgeous. They have beautiful blue eyes and lovely dark hair - that's the typical Irish.

There's something lovely about writing a book, doing what you want. I love the solitariness of it.

I got a lovely check today from being a writer that I earned by sitting at home. That's rewarding.

I think it's been lovely the way people have been really supportive in parliament of my pregnancy.

Chennai is such a beautiful place to perform in. The city is lovely, and the people, even more so.

Thank you for this lovely blunt object that I will forevermore use as a weapon against self-doubt.

It was lovely to do The Knock because I haven't done anything really significant since Doctor Who.

I was in love. With a two-dimensional object. A mute in love with a painting. Lovely. Just lovely.

I'm not an overnight success. I've been doing it for 12 years. It's been lovely and varied so far.

I feel that there's a certain danger in always being in a lovely rural setting. You can lose touch.

The secret of being loved is in being lovely; and the secret of being lovely is in being unselfish.

It's such a joy to be able to have friendships free from worry. It's so lovely to live without fear.

It's lovely to be told you're wonderful by someone when you're used to being told how awful you are.

Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire. They're a lovely twosome, or threesome, or foursome, or twenty-fifthsome.

I love ripped jeans! They are flattering. I'm very petite, so I think they make my butt look lovely.

More than just a sobering history lesson, 'Angry Birds' is a beautiful game. It's absolutely lovely.

What a fortunate fellow I am, I kept telling myself. Nobody has ever had such a lovely time as this!

Cam: She is so lovely when she sleeps. Daniel: Is that why you wanted her to sleep for all eternity?

The way of the Cross is not easy, yet it is the tuneful, the rhythmic, the beautiful, the lovely way.

I'm a total stationery fiend - I have drawers and drawers of lovely printed cards and wrapping paper.

Lovely sweetness is the noblest power of woman, and is far fitter to prevail by parley than by battle.

How lovely to think that no one need wait a moment, we can start now, start slowly changing the world!

It's not just the winning I like, it's the affection you get for winning. It's a lovely feeling, that.

I'm the lucky one who got asked to do 'The Sound of Music' and all the other lovely things that I did.

I go forth to seek To seek and claim the lovely magic garden Where grasses softly sigh and Muses speak.

At this particular time, I probably am more comfortable with myself. Just now I'm having a lovely time.

And the words we find are always insufficient, like love, though they are often lovely and all we have.

Nature makes boys and girls lovely to look upon so they can be tolerated until they acquire some sense.

There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.

It'll be just lovely for you to play -- it'll be so hard. And there's so much more fun when it is hard!

I liked The Slipper and the Rose, as I have already mentioned, because it was such a lovely film to do.

Nature makes boys and girls lovely to look upon so they can be tolerated until they acquire some sense.

I knew that I had turned my world back to cinders, sunk my lovely ship with my own stupid, wicked hands.

There is nothing so lovely as to be beautiful. Beauty is a gift of God and we should cherish it as such.

It's always lovely to be part of a project that, on a creative level, is done for all the right reasons.

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