After all, what is a lovely phrase? One that has mopped up as much Truth as it can hold.

Anytime I see any of those people [from 10 Things I Hate About You], it's always lovely.

Desire looks clear from the eyes of a lovely bride: power as strong as the founded world

I take the kids horse riding every weekend at Quob Stables - the people there are lovely.

Certain things, if not seen as lovely or detestable, are not being correctly seen at all.

Words seem so futile, so feeble. You are all such lovely, beautiful people ... thank you.

You are not loved when you are lovely, but when you are loved you are found to be lovely.

Breathless, we flung us on a windy hill, Laughed in the sun, and kissed the lovely grass.

A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.

Harpo, she's a lovely person. She deserves a good husband. Marry her before she finds one.

There's nothing antifeminist about showing a lovely body; it's part of the person you are.

It was lovely when you found students who responded to things you were enthusiastic about.

I love people. People are lovely creatures. I'm one myself, so I love to see people happy.

In the end, I think it would be lovely if we stopped this whole notion of pets altogether.

Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely is made for the eye of one who sees.

Their beauty had always seemed to him like the beauty of pressed flowers-lovely, but dead.

Harpo, she's a lovely person. She deserves a good husband. Marry her before she finds one.

I get such lovely gifts from fans... amazing pictures, handmade jewellery. I'm very lucky!

I went straight in. Fade in, one... whatever. He's playing the piano in the radio station.

I'm a writer as rarely as possible, when forced by an idea too lovely to let die unwritten

Oh, go in anywhere Colonel, go in anywhere. You'll find lovely fighting all along the line.

Faith in the king comes easily in lovely times, but be faithful now and endure, pale lover.

Color is the language of the poets. It is astonishingly lovely. To speak it is a privilege.

I have the most lovely, healthy bouncing baby, she was all very compact and the right size.

The years have gone by quickly. Death sits in the seat next to me. We make a lovely couple.

I was eleven, then I was sixteen. Though no honors came my way, those were the lovely years.

The lovely thing about being forty is that you can appreciate twenty-five-year-old men more.

It's lovely to get one successful show - the chances of finding a second one are not so hot.

Fashion is life-enhancing, and I think it's a lovely, generous thing to do for other people.

Well, a peach has a lovely taste and so does a mushroom, but you can't put the two together.

I grew up in a very suburban neighborhood, so I was used to everything being safe and lovely.

I get to work with great photographers, wear lovely clothes, be part of the creative process.

Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place, and I can picture it after all these days.

I had a very lovely childhood, and, being an only child, I'm very close to my mom and my dad.

I love England, especially the food. There's nothing I like more than a lovely bowl of pasta.

You just think lovely wonderful thoughts," Peter explained, "and they lift you up in the air.

It's lovely to escape myself and play someone who actually inspires me and gives me strength.

When a woman isn't beautiful, people always say, 'You have lovely eyes, you have lovely hair.'

But an old age serene and bright, and lovely as a Lapland night, shall lead thee to thy grave.

Jennifer Lawrence is so talented and so lovely. She has a real ability to connect with people.

I do get stopped on the street, although rarely. And they always have something lovely to say.

I've always had the dream of going to New Zealand and meeting a lovely New Zealander in a bar.

One of the great upsides about comedy is that you're dealing with really lovely, fun material.

I look about my house and see there are lots of lovely things in it, but I constantly buy more.

One of the lovely things about writing when nobody knows who you are is there's no expectation.

Do you think it is only a little thing to possess a house from which lovely things can be seen?

Lovely Arra Sails, nectar to all males, how I'd like to spear you like a whaler spears a whale!

Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.

Ed Herrmann was such a giant and was such a wonderful person. He was just a lovely, lovely man.

It was lovely to see cynicism in one so young. It positively restored his faith in human nature.

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