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Have you ever noticed how much they look like orchids? lovely!
And I like pygmy goats, because they're just lovely, and ducks.
She not only kept her lovely figure, she's added so much to it.
They were lovely, your eyes, but you didn't know where to look.
I hid my deepest feelings so well I forgot where I placed them.
A circle of lovely, quiet people becomes the ring on my finger.
Shah Rukh is sweet. The experience to dance with SRK was lovely.
Everything that's lovely is But a brief, dreamy kind of delight.
Nagpur is a lovely city, and I have many good friends out there.
Loving you is just like breathing, as effortless, and as lovely.
My vanity is I'm terribly romantic! But being married is lovely.
It seems inevitable that the magic of the written word will fade.
Somebody doing something effortlessly is a lovely thing to watch.
I get anxious. That lovely Jewish guilt that comes with ancestry.
I've had some lovely extraordinary experiences on New Year's Eve.
We have some of the most rock-solid, lovely friends in the world.
Nothing is really beautiful but truth, and truth alone is lovely.
Whatever makes an impression on the heart seems lovely in the eye.
To read a poem in January is as lovely as to go for a walk in June
This next presenter is so lovely you could eat her up with a spoon
I love Boston, and I had a very lovely childhood in Massachusetts.
I burned the candle at both ends and it often gave a lovely light.
I had a lovely pregnancy. It was a beautiful, magical time for us.
There was a lovely bit of play which set Valley Parade alight again
It would be lovely to live in a culture where calmness was the aim.
Everyone is beautiful, everyone is perfect, and everyone is lovely.
Ferraris are lovely cars, but I just don't want to be seen in them.
Harry Hadden-Paton is just a lovely actor and an incredible person.
I feel very blessed. I have had, and am having, such a lovely life.
I wonder how many people I've looked at all my life and never seen.
I have something to say: it's better to burn out, than to fade away.
The wave does not need to die to become water. She is already water.
Emma Watson is adorable in the extreme. She is such a lovely person.
I think it's lovely when people are more involved in local politics.
I'm very close with Bob and his lovely, fabulous wife Catherine, too.
She whom smiles and tears make equally lovely may command all hearts.
I've always been able to see you," I say. "It's a rather lovely view.
I think I have a pattern of nice and lovely and then dark and twisted.
Playing lovely football and making wonderful saves is not a challenge.
To dream on occasion is not dreaming, To love on occasion is not love.
It was the rainbow gave thee birth, and left thee all her lovely hues.
I'm not miserable; please don't misunderstand me. I have a lovely life.
Stage is the most exciting. Film is lovely, because it's like a family.
I managed to take a family trip to the Bahamas and it was quite lovely.
After women, flowers are the most lovely thing God has given the world.
In the haunted house of life, art is the only stair that doesn't creak.
I have no other network to compare it to, but FOX has treated me lovely.
Nic was a lovely child, though of course I'm prejudiced. I'm his father.
It's lovely to work with a group of actors who make you laugh and smile.
This is a lovely party," said the Bursar to a chair, "I wish I was here.