My wife is a lovely Scotswoman called Karen.

How lovely yellow is! It stands for the sun.

I'm a lovely person, considerate and loving.

Despite my lovely diction I am going to die.

You know, urban culture is fun; it's lovely.

O, Voice of Man, organ of most lovely might.

My awards are lovely. I love to show them of.

That lovely things exist is a lovely thought.

Podcasts are a lovely corner of the Internet.

The hotel I'm in has a lovely closet. A nail.

A mother beyond compare Have a lovely day Mom

Look thy last on all things lovely, Every hour

I've had a lovely life. I've had a great life.

How lovely it is to dream while you are awake.

My awards are lovely. I love to show them off.

Liberty and equality--lovely and sacred words!

Nothing's so dainty sweet as lovely melancholy.

Turn soft and lovely any time you have a chance

I've got a lovely family now, I've got two boys.

Darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

I thought how lovely and how strange a river is.

Hello, lovely. You're as pretty as pretty today.

A whole day without make-up is a lovely feeling.

Love planted a rose, and the world turned sweet.

I worked with Paul McCartney, and he was lovely.

Lovely flowers are the smiles of god's goodness.

I realize now that dying is easy. Living is hard.

I have amazing, amazing fans who are just lovely.

If it be sin to love a lovely lad Oh there sin I.

I'll be a wife and mother first, then First Lady.

He's had a lovely career for the talent he's got.

Try not to try too hard, It's just a lovely ride.

There are many lovely women, but no perfect ones.

Turn soft and lovely anytime you have the chance.

Amy Adams was great to work with, fun and lovely.

Claire Danes is lovely and a really great actress.

Jennifer Aniston was a lovely girl, very unspoilt.

To spend a life in dreams, that sounded too lovely.

Russell Brand is lovely, even though he's a weirdo.

One can be ugly in looks, but lovely in disposition.

We must unlearn the constellations to see the stars.

I'm so moved to hear Celia Johnson again, so lovely.

Sacrifice, that's what we do for the people we love.

The movie feels to me like a real work of lovely art.

Knowledge indeed is a desirable, a lovely possession.

Nothing good is a miracle, nothing lovely is a dream.

Come back, and do that thing, be lovely to each-other.

It is quite lovely being single, and I much prefer it.

It's lovely. If only you could frost someone to death.

The film industry is a lovely family and I respect it.

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