Love loves to love love.

For love is immortality.

I can't not love comedy.

Love as Thought is Truth.

Whatever 'in love' means.

A constant interrogation.

I have a love for boxing.

Tempt not a desperate man

Love conquers all things.

I'd love to do a Western.

Even the gods love jokes.

Eager for bread and love.

We are all fools in love.

Love is perfect kindness.

Love that cares, listens.

Love is better than Fame.

All mankind love a lover.

Sex is emotion in motion.

Love's a dog in a manger.

Love is our true essence.

Love is always open arms.

My love's a noble madness.

The law of heaven is love.

Love's never a fair trade.

Hatred is love frustrated.

True love knows no league.

The secret of art is love.

All's love, yet all's law.

Love IS the People's Power

Skill makes love unending.

I want to live like a man.

The loving are the daring.

I'm a lover not a fighter.

Love is a kind of warfare.

A mutual misunderstanding.

The only solution is love.

Love does not conquer all.

The heart has no wrinkles.

To love is an active verb.

As goes love so goes life.

Love is a dangerous angel.

Love, we are a small pond.

How vast a memory has Love!

Love is the energy of life.

Love is letting go of fear.

Life is a verb, not a noun.

Till I loved I never lived.

Love Is Stronger Than Pride

Love is Natures second sun.

You can't make me love you.

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