You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. -Mr. Darcy

The more people love you, the more there's going to be people that hate you.

You can always get someone to love you - even if you have to do it yourself.

"Before you make a decision," he said, "I want you to know that I love you."

I love you too, Will Blakelee," she whispered, leaning in to kiss him again.

You can't show love to someone at the expense of someone else who loves you.

It doesn't matter. I'm not asking forever of you...just let me love you now.

Don't fall in love with your leading man. Of course, that's just what I did.

If the Ego is hateful, Love your neighbor as yourself becomes a cruel irony.

For words of rapture groping, they"Never such love," swore "ever before was!"

When you look at the Sacred Host you understand how much Jesus loves you now.

I stare to memorize your face, to kiss you in my mind, love you all the time.

You should only fall in love with people who will fall in love with you back.

The liberals love you until you say something critical about Hillary Clinton.

When you are in love you strive to do the things that will please your lover.

A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.

Remember that when you love yourself, you are a greater gift to someone else.

If coming out to someone makes them love you less, just know that I love you.

If you have anything in your heart other than love, you've got to get it out.

I can't love you as you have been or will be. I can only love you as you are.

I love you all very; very much and I shall never, ever forget you, I promise.

I- I love you like a love song, baby And I keep hittin' repeat-peat-peat-peat

My friends tell me I have an intimacy problem. But they don't really know me.

I don't know much, but I know I love you... that may be all there is to know.

Saturday is a day for the spa. RELAX, indulge, enjoy, and love yourself, too.

The nearest I can make it out, "Love your Enemies" means, "Hate your Friends"

Dont expect your enemies to ever love you, or even like you, only respect you

God loves you and everything about you, so why beat up on your precious self.

There are only three things women need in life: food, water, and compliments.

I'm a loving drunk. I get sentimental. "I love you guys." I drunk-dial a lot.

Nobody warned me that when you fall in love, you really fall in love forever.

Love. I love you. I’ll always love you, my love. You are the love of my life.

I deserve all the love you can spare me. And I want a lot more than I deserve.

I've grown tired of love You are the trouble with me I watch you walk right by

Success leaves clues, Proximity is power. Love your family, CHOOSE your peers.

Out on a 30 day tour, you got nothing, but groupies and promoters to love you.

Like any other living, growing thing, love requires effort to keep it healthy.

Your friends may love you in private but your enemies will hate you in public.

You have a lot of friends who love you dearly and you don't know who they are.

nothing says 'I love you' like reducing yourself to a smoldering pile of ashes

Be in love with your heart-life. There, only there, Is the flood of happiness.

Do you know, Gilbert, there are times when I strongly suspect that I love you!

You had better love the music... because sometimes the music doesn't love you.

Loving someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport.

If you asked me, 'What do you want to say?' it would be, 'Love yourself more.'

But if you've ever felt love, you'll know how painful it is to suffer for love.

It's better to have 100 people love you than to have 1,000,000 people like you.

Oh my God, I can't believe what you did for me - thank you. I love you so much.

Next to of course god America i / love you land of the pilgrims and so forth oh

I love you as much as you love me... So if you hate me, it works out perfectly.

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