Love yourself, so that love will not be a stranger when it comes

No one will ever love you as much as I do. Why isn't love enough?

Her passions are made of nothing but the finest part of pure love

I love you and I always will and I am sorry. What a useless word.

She said 'I love you' as if it were a secret, and an immense one.

If you don't fill your days with love, you are wasting your life.

All the time travelling in the world can’t make someone love you.

If you find something you really love, you will never work again.

You are a son to me, that to my father I couldn't be. I love you.

You have to love yourself. That's the single most powerful thing.

God doesn't love you more when you obey, you experience Him more!

Stop rushing me. I want to take my time falling in love with you.

I love you and believe in you. If you want my ear/voice — e-mail.

I tiger can smile A snake will say it loves you Lies make us evil

If you've got love you've got life, if you can love you can live.

Success is having people love you that you want to have love you.

I'm alright. I love you. I love my life. I'm always close to you.

A fist in the face is all you deserve from love you've misplaced.

Daddy I'm just little But I love you BIG Happy Birthday Big Daddy

I love you" I say. "I love you, too" he says. "I'll see you soon.

Don't ever marry a man who loves his work more than he loves you.

Know that in this world there's somebody who will always love you.

Pills n potions.. We're overdosin.. I'm angry but I still love you

The fact is...I'm in love with you, and I have been for some time.

Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections

I love you." Z squeezed his eyes shut. "Don't be a tragedy, Bella.

With the same intensity that the Father loves Jesus, He loves you.

Love: You can't start it like a car, you can't stop it with a gun.

I thought I was promiscuous, but it turns out I was just thorough.

I can never unlove you. I'll just love you in a different way now.

Love yourself; and in that love not unconsidered leave your honor.

With faith you can do anything and with love you can do even more.

I fell in love with you because there was a mischief in your eyes.

You don't have to have a ring on your finger to say, 'I love you.'

My only wickedness is that I love you; my only goodness, the same.

You play along, because you want to die for love, you always have.

I love you not for the person you are, but for your possibilities.

i will always love you." "no you won't. you'll move on. So will i.

Without love you can only resist, without feeling you can't exist.

If you can fart in front of somebody, you know that they love you.

Nobody loves you better because you have used yourself up for them.

I love you now as I write this, and I love you now as you read this

Everytime you grab at love you will lose a snowflake of your memory

If someone really loves you, they'll do the right thing... for you.

If you love your enemy, that means you want your enemy to be happy.

To get what you love, you must first be patient with what you hate.

Love yourself first and the rest of your life will fall into place.

I love you for who you are, not who the world thinks you should be.

To find someone who loves your children like you do is really rare.

I love you on the surface of seas Red like the egg when it is green

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