We want justice, but at the same time, we gotta love and come together and bring unity, and I feel it's gonna happen.

In a time where there are divides between cultures and races, I would love to use my position to show that we are all the same inside and working together is the key to moving forward.

I've wanted to produce for a long time. I'd love to get a bunch of my girlfriends together - a female writer, a female director - and create something. Creatively, it's a different dimension. Why wouldn't people want that?

I was at the premiere of 'Prisoners,' and I heard two thousand people scream at the same time. I turned to my wife and said, 'I love cinema!' It's the sharing of emotions together, and it's collective. It's one of the last communions we have.

I spend a lot of time with the grandchildren. They love it when we sing together. It's fantastic to hear them, and they really can sing. I don't talk to them so much about 'Abba' and the past, but as they get older, they will become more aware.

I think Jesus was about bringing people together and connecting people in love, hanging out with the people who other people didn't want to hang out with. Spending time with the worst of the worst because He knew those are the people who needed Him most.

Democrats, independents, Republicans, all of us Americans who love our country. What a wonderful time to come together and really just count our blessings. And to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for us and for this country and all those freedoms we love.

I think sometimes we look at other people's marriages and we think they must always be so happy together. I don't know anybody who's married for a long time who hasn't somehow made room in their love story for the hate and resentment that they sometimes feel toward each other.

Some shows feel very reverent - when you're in a seated theater, no one really sings. I love it when people sing! I wish people would sing all the time. Because one of my favorite things when I get to do as a musician is step away from the microphone and listen to everyone sing together.

I was born in Faridabad but brought up in Delhi and Mumbai. My father had been living hand-to-mouth and literally slept on railway platforms when he came to Mumbai for the first time to become a film singer. My parents were both singers; they sang together and fell in love due to their singing.

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