Meet hostility and suspicion with kindness. Helping others out of love is always the best option.

Love is the only wealth that man absolutely needs. Love is the only wealth that God precisely is.

God wants us to respond in wholehearted love because it is who He is and who He created us to be.

If love is something you cherish, it is hard to glean much joy from death, even in one's enemies.

Feelings and emotions are only the creation of mind and energy. Love is the creation of the soul.

The way of peace is the way of love. Love is the greatest power on earth. It conquers all things.

Love is connection with others. Union with another human being or living thing. That's also Yoga.

Love is a gracious host to his guests though to the unbidden his house is a mirage and a mockery.

Love is merely a madness, and, I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as madmen do.

Love is not popular. Not noble. . . not love, no reward. Trust love. Is not love. Trust yourself.

Love is holy because it is like grace--the worthiness of its object is never really what matters.

True love is no game of the faint-hearted and the weak; it is born of strength and understanding.

Falling in love is a crazy thing to do. It's kind of like a form of socially acceptable insanity.

Until you can love what the truth would teach you about yourself... then your love is incomplete.

Love is creative, understanding goodwill for all men. It is the refusal to defeat any individual.

I love being in the ocean. I love the unpredictability of it- size of wave, animals you see, etc.

To be without love is to be without grace, what matters most in life. We is so much better than I.

Love is more pleasant than marriage for the same reason that novels are more amusing than history.

All human happiness revolves around love. Love is central to the bonds on which a family is built.

Love is realizing that they are going to make mistakes but knowing you can't hold it against them.

It's been painful to see the people that you love be attacked when you know it's not fair or true.

For the person and for the species love is the form of behavior having the highest survival value.

True love is when you're cheating on a person but the thought of them still makes your eyes smile!

First love is a kind of vaccination which saves a man from catching the complaint the second time.

A flower without a stem, is beauty waiting to die. A heart without love, is a tear waiting to cry.

Why do men think you can pick love up and re-light it like a candle? Women know when love is over.

Love isn't about what we did yesterday; it's about what we do today and tomorrow and the day after

Love is a state of being; it has nothing to do with anybody else. One is not in love, one is love.

It is a blessing as well as a burden to love so much that you can hurt so badly when love is gone.

Love is the beauty and the strength of all societies and the great pleasure of our lives on earth.

One cannot be strong without love. For love is not an irrelevant emotion; it is the blood of life.

Sure love is cruel and selfish and totally obtuse-- at least, blinded by the light, young love is.

I loved the Romeo and Juliet of the whole thing; this forbidden love between these two characters.

Mother-love is not inevitable. The good mother is a great artist ever creating beauty out of chaos

Staying in a marriage without love is like serving a life sentence with an incompatible cell mate.

I love wearing suits. I love being suited and booted. When I'm chilling, I also like to look nice.

To fear is to expect punishment. To love is to know we are immersed not in darkness, but in light.

I'm pretty normal. Tthe type of day I love is just like everybody else's. I'm like everybody else.

It's a misconception that love can only foster between two people of opposite sex. Love is a bond.

Mother love is invariably held sacred, as it should be, but why has father love never had its due?

Eliminating the things you love is not wellness. Wellness feeds your soul and makes you feel good.

Falling in love is a completely transcendent experience. It's like eating pizza-flavored ice cream

For you to ask advice on the rules of love is no better than to ask advice on the rules of madness.

I do love being solo because I can have more of my own creative input to every aspect of my career.

Love is a disease of the heartin the end, there is no treatment curable and it might just kill you.

Oh, but when love is reached through suffering, it has a power it can never gain through innocence.

Love is that flame that once kindled burns everything, and only the mystery and the journey remain.

Wherever love is, I want to be, I will follow it as surely as the land-locked salmon finds the sea.

Love is two minutes fifty-two seconds of squishing noises. It shows your mind isn't clicking right.

I have ever hated all nations, professions, and communities, and all my love is toward individuals.

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