Love is a big word. I believe in Love. I believe that God is Love.

I firmly believe that you are supposed to love everybody. That is God's one boldest commandment.

I believe in God, in Jesus Christ. I love Jesus Christ. I am a Christian... I cry when I see injustice, children dying of hunger.

It's hard to say, 'I don't believe in God.' I would love to know if God exists. But it's a very difficult thing for me to believe.

I wrote my children's book because I believe there are children that are hurting and may need to know that there is love out there for them- God's love.

Believe in some beneficent force beyond your own limited self. God, god, god: where are you? I want you, need you: the belief in you and love and mankind.

I most certainly believe that it is the gift of God that I am what I am. And so I dwell amongst barbarians, a proselyte and an exile, for the love of God.

I believe that miracles happen every day. Every person is a miracle. Every moment is a miracle. If only we can open our eyes, we'll see God's love everywhere.

I know with all my heart and soul that God lives. I believe He will enlighten our lives with His love for each of us if we strive to be worthy of that love, in the holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.

In the case of 'The Bible' series and now 'Son of God,' it has been a combination of what I love to do and what I believe. To be able to do that with the person I love has just really been a blessing.

I believe that some of us who were kept by God a long while before we found Him love Him better perhaps than we should have done if we had received Him directly, and we can preach better to others - we can speak more of His loving-kindness and tender mercy.

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