A market system is not a profit system, it's a profit-and-loss system.

People who hadn't suffered a loss yet struck me as not quite grown up.

Your loss we count as our loss. Your struggle we take as our struggle.

Loss is inevitable - you have to be blind or naive to think otherwise.

REAL Peace is always unshakable... 'Bliss is unchanged by gain or loss'

The avoidance of loss is the surest way to ensure a profitable outcome.

But animated nature sweeter still, to soothe and satisfy the human ear.

I was going to buy a book on hair loss, but the pages kept falling out.

You always recognize great champions... how they come back from a loss.

'Blue Nights' is a story of loss: simple, wrenching, inconsolable loss.

The loss of our illusions is the only loss from which we never recover.

There is no growth without change, and there is no change without loss.

To grow up with the loss of your mother is a scar that never goes away.

Burning fat efficiently boils down to one thing - building more muscle!

There's a bit of magic in everything, and some loss to even things out.

You can never get complacent because a loss is always around the corner.

Choice, with its inevitable invitations to loss, is always such a trial.

I cannot conceive of a greater loss than the loss of one's self-respect.

All our losses and sufferings will be made up to us in the resurrection.

Good physical condition is protection. Our strength comes from our body.

Few human beings give of themselves to another as a dog gives of itself.

To be conformed to this world is to risk the loss of one’s eternal soul.

I never seem to have anything that if I lost it I'd care too much about.

The bond with a dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth can ever be.

How do we transform loss? ... Time's healing balm is essentially a hoax.

The loss of a sense adds as much beauty to the world as its acquisition.

Sometimes gain comes from losing, and sometimes loss comes from gaining.

Tukhachevsky was an especially damaging loss for the army and the state.

The loss of love is the loss of all rights, even though one had them all.

Going out into the country after living in the city is a loss of control.

One loss is good for the soul, Too many losses is not good for the coach.

I burned sixty calories. That should take care of a peanut I had in 1962.

Transgression of any kind is always accompanied by a loss of self-esteem.

Little changes over time are the secret to long term weight loss success!

When you lose a person you love so much, surviving the loss is difficult.

A point guard is judged by wins and losses. I think I'm doing a good job.

Bulls and bears aren't responsible for as many stock losses as bumsteers.

If you're not doing what is best for your body, you are the one who lose.

With eternal investments there is never a loss of principle or principal.

Weight loss after pregnancy is safe but requires attention and guidelines

There is no such thing as a paper loss. A paper loss is a very real loss.

Blindness separates us from things but deafness separates us from people.

On the one hand, loss implies gain; on the other hand, gain implies loss.

The worst loss you've ever experienced is the greatest gift you can have.

I'm very sorry for your loss. Your mother was a terribly attractive woman.

The spiritual battle, the loss of victory, is always in the thought-world.

Sometimes people need to experience great loss to really be driven deeper.

Knowing when to take your losses is an essential part of eventual success.

Even in the losses, I always saw glimpses of something that kept me going.

No one wins a war. It is true, there are degrees of loss, but no one wins.

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