No one can measure the loss of business that may arise from a defective item that goes out to a customer.

As soon as questions of will or decision or reason or choice of action arise, human science is at a loss.

The loss of liberty which must attend being a wife was of all things the most horrible to my imagination.

The voice of a person thinking, discovering, revising, is ever-present without any loss in grace or ease.

A major criterion for judging the anxiety level of any society is the loss of its capacity to be playful.

The increased presence of Muslims in Italy and in Europe is directly proportional to our loss of freedom.

When you see tears in my eyes, you see it's not about the wins or the losses, It's about the opportunity.

The forces of adversaries are more diminished by the loss of those who flee than of those who are killed.

Loving someone is a loss of freedom - but one doesn't think of it as loss because one gains so much else.

The typical old-fashioned diet (in the nineteenth century) was so bad it almost assembled modern dieting.

I used to have a really sharp memory. And its loss has proven destabilizing from an identity perspective.

California is a place in which a boom mentality and a sense of Chekhovian loss meet in uneasy suspension.

There are two sides to increasing energy. One is avoiding loss. The other is learning how to gain energy.

We can't hold on to anyone or anything, you know. We lose everything except that which we carry within us.

But in practice, if often comes down to not suffering a loss as big as the huge gain you made a while ago.

I'm a girl who enjoys a great meal with great friends, so I'm not really that concerned about weight loss.

No individual should take the blame for a loss, because no individual should get the credit for a victory.

When you suffer a tragedy, the secondary loss of having it bleed into other areas of your life is so real.

For me, having the opportunity to go to college was very important. To miss out on an education is a loss.

And wonder, dread and war have lingered in that land where loss and love in turn have held the upper hand.

In a world of such beauty as birds in flight, surely I can come to feel at home again, even after my loss.

It is better to be drunk with loss and to beat the ground, than to let the deeper things gradually escape.

And after my mother's death I became more open to and empathetic about other people's struggles and losses.

Bank failures are caused by depositors who don't deposit enough money to cover losses due to mismanagement.

I have gained and lost the same 10 pounds so many times over and over again my cellulite must have deja vu!

A large psychic void is left by a loss of faith. So many Catholics have tried so many things to replace it.

Sometimes you must lose everything to gain it again, and the regaining is the sweeter for the pain of loss.

After you have wept and grieved for your physical losses, cherish the functions and the life you have left.

I have short-term memory loss. I know that some of the memories of the Super Bowl championships are fading.

Politeness is one of those advantages which we never estimate rightly but by the inconvenience of its loss.

The art is not one of forgetting but letting go. And when everything else is gone, you can be rich in loss.

America is strongest when families take care of each other and walk with one another through need and loss.

in the caves of my heart, where pain taps out its rhythms and sorrow sets its loss, i am without direction.

Evaluate wins and losses objectively, focusing more on effort and execution than on the outcome of the game

You need to be able to express your resentment and sense of loss in a way that doesn't damage your partner.

No matter how hard the loss, defeat might serve as well as victory to shake the soul and let the glory out.

You have to become involved to make an impact. No one is impressed with the won/loss record of the referee.

The attack did not succeed as well as I had hoped, no small impediment having been the loss of my right leg.

Listening is not merely not means taking a vigorous human interest in what is being told to us.

Either I exist or I do not exist, and no amount of pap which I happen to be lapping can dull me to the loss.

History shows that tax increases during a recession are a recipe for greater unemployment and economic loss.

The loss of courtship in modern days - like, people don't court anybody anymore. There's no beauty about it.

I am enjoying myself and I do not mind the loss of personal time and family time when I am doing good films.

Completed, most lives were alike in stages of living-joys, celebrations, crises, illusions, losses, sorrows.

I stood on the balcony dark with mourning... hoping the earth would spread its wings in my uninhabited love.

A follower of the Way (Tao) loses something each day. Loss after loss until arriving at Non Action (Wu Wei).

A good poem looks life straight in the face, unflinching, sincere, equal to revelation through loss or gain.

More cases of loss of religious faith are to be traced to the theory of evolution. . .than to anything else.

You never get over losses. I've never gotten over one loss I've had in my career. They always stick with me.

William Holden and I weren't just good friends. He was my very best friend. I feel his loss very much still.

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