It would never do for me to lose my wits in the presence of a man who had none too many of his own.

Jesus experienced homelessness at Christmas so that we could experience a love we could never lose.

When friends stop being frank and useful to each other, the whole world loses some of its radiance.

A player senses when a coach loses confidence in him. That, more than anything, can throw a player.

One ought to hold on to one's heart; for if one lets it go, one soon loses control of the head too.

Once an organization loses its spirit of pioneering and rests on its early work, its progress stops.

Understand why casinos and racetracks stay in business - the gambler always loses over the long term.

Love, like a chicken salad or restaurant hash, must be taken with blind faith or it loses its flavor.

Personally, I'd like to become a person who never loses her passion and always has a dream to follow.

Anyone who attempts to relate his life loses himself in the immediate. One can only speak of another.

When I am on E! for the 'Fashion Police,' I only care about being a critic. It loses me many friends.

I rarely think that when a guy loses a fight, it's a weight issue. You can either fight, or you can't.

You have to be very careful. If you over-commercialize a social mission, it completely loses its soul.

Success brings with it the fear of blowing it. With more to lose, there's more pressure not to lose it.

What is wrong with strengthening the opposition? You lose nothing, ... But let them abide by the rules.

It's important not to lose who you are in a relationship just because it's nice to cuddle with somebody.

The superstition in which we were brought up never loses its power over us, even after we understand it.

Jay Wright is class personified. He wins with class, loses with dignity when he does, which is not often.

We're most likely to lose our rights when we allow ourselves to be persuaded to deprive others of theirs.

When things seem calmest, that is the time you should fear the most, it's when you have the most to lose.

What is true for you is what you have observed yourself. And when you lose that, you have lost everything.

You can't choose between Love and Friendship. They're like a package: You either get both or you lose both

We can't hold on to anyone or anything, you know. We lose everything except that which we carry within us.

The old lose one of the greatest privileges of man, for they are no longer judged by their contemporaries.

He who loses wealth loses much; he who loses a friend loses more; but he that loses his courage loses all.

When a party loses a national election to someone such as President Trump, it's time to rethink everything.

He that hath but one eye, must bee afraid to lose it. [He that hath but one eye must be afraid to lose it.]

Don't get cocky just because you've had a good run. You can lose your business as fast as you've earned it.

This is a beautiful life we lead in spite of whatever things come against us or whatever team loses or wins.

No man who is occupied in doing a very difficult thing, and doing it very well, ever loses his self-respect.

Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don't like to lose, and if I'm told 'no', then I find another way to get my 'yes.'

Time seems to slow down after the winter holiday. New York loses all of its winter romance and is just cold.

As soon as children find something that interests them they lose their instability and learn to concentrate.

Time will come that all that we love, we will eventually lose, and all that we hate we will eventually face.

Life is not about win-and-lose. Life is about being or not being, expressing or not expressing, who you are.

Obama said he went to Libya because of his conscience. Did anyone ever wrestle with his conscience and lose?

The problem with learning the truth about things is that you lose the confidence that comes from being dumb.

As we go through life we gradually discover who we are, but the more we discover, the more we lose ourselves.

Even when I lose faith in myself there is something in me that speaks through and says I am not finished yet.

Some people lose all respect for the lion unless he devours them instantly. There is no pleasing some people.

I hate to lose the constituency that I've worked with, but I've got 170,000 people to meet in my new district.

When I lose my larger sense of supporting people to be their best, I lessen my contact with the God inside me.

You can never lose anything that really belongs to you, and you can't keep that which belongs to someone else.

The text loses its virginity simply by being staged: it's no longer the abstract ideal version; it's an event.

We lose ourselves in what we read, only to return to ourselves, transformed and part of a more expansive world.

Whether someone like Klitschko wins, loses, draws, or gets knocked out in five seconds, he is still a big name.

Everybody has something to lose. You have points to lose. You have money to lose. You have opportunity to lose.

If you take life at face value, it loses its luster pretty quickly. If you go after it, you get more out of it.

It's the fight game, and everyone loses. You win some, you lose some. You just try to get back up on the horse.

What is divine? It is simply that which man has not been able to understand. Once you do, it loses its divinity.

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