She looked as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth - or anywhere else.

I was looked at as weird, odd, not fitting in with the Hollywood crowd.

Jay Jay Okocha. On and off the field he was the captain you looked for.

The true facts are not always obvious. They often have to be looked for.

I looked like an alien, and in front of the most beautiful people on TV.

In the beginning, I was very insecure. I hated how I looked in pictures.

He looked about as inconspicuous as a tarantula on a slice of angel food.

I believe that it's better to be looked over than it is to be overlooked.

When I was a kid, a policeman was someone you looked up to and respected.

Early on, my family really made me love who I was and what I looked like.

Someone once told me I looked like Mr Incredible out of 'The Incredibles.'

I was always a character actor. I just looked like Little Red Riding Hood.

The closer a Negro got to the ballot box, the more he looked like a rapist.

I have always looked at my competencies before accepting any responsibility.

Brilliantly lit from stem to stern, she looked like a sagging birthday cake.

Throughout my life, my mom has been the person that I've always looked up to.

I've never looked through a keyhole without finding someone was looking back.

It's a very strange thing being recognized or looked upon as someone special.

Get your heart checked. I've always looked at myself as healthy, but I wasn't.

Doolittle looked just like a little toy soldier the first time I ever saw him.

I was the ladies' man in school. I always had friends; people looked up to me.

I believe that if one always looked at the skies, one would end up with wings.

I see my uncle as an idol, someone I have always looked up to as a footballer.

When I was a kid, I always looked up to people like B.B. King and Ray Charles.

I have looked into your eyes with my eyes. I have put my heart near your heart.

None of us knew what this power plant looked like. We had no schematic drawing.

I do stuff on my own, I think for myself, and I've always looked out for others.

Me and my cousin started doing CrossFit in my barn; I haven't looked back since.

All my life I've looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time.

I thought if I looked back and evaluated my life, it would help me in the future.

She looked at me penetratingly. So I suppose you can figure out what happened next.

If it weren't for baseball, many kids wouldn't know what a millionaire looked like.

Even when I was a kid, I had this insane head of flaming hair. It looked like a wig.

I let it go. I have not looked at the 'Star Wars' films, and that's absolutely true.

Anyone who thinks there's safety in numbers hasn't looked at the stock market pages.

When I was 13, I looked like I could play 16, and I wasn't mature enough to play 16.

In India, the films are not looked upon just as entertainment. They're a way of life.

When you are finished with it, put it back in the first place that you looked for it.

I looked in the mirror and saw a lot of stuff, but 'movie star' was never one of them.

Anyone who thus looks up has some chance of becoming worthy to be looked up to in turn.

Bleaching my hair for Two Moon Junction... my hair was fried and I looked like an idiot.

I need to be cared for and looked after. I need to be aware of things more and I am now.

So I saw many planets, and they looked just a little bit brighter than they do from Earth.

I know for a fact that I'm problematic. I shouldn't be looked to for any kind of guidance.

A girl told me my lips looked like somebody had pressed strawberry yogurt against my face.

Every serious deflation I've looked at is preceded by an asset bubble, and then it bursts.

I never kept up with the fashions. I believed in wearing what I thought looked good on me.

I've been blessed to be one of those guys who's looked at as a fashion-forward type of guy.

Initially, in 'Suryaputra Karn,' we tried a wig but it looked unnatural, so I grew my hair.

It was so fun to see my hair all brushed out - it looked like caramel-flavored cotton candy!

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