My grandparents had always helped look after me, they were always there.

I'm always helping out girlfriends, and then I'm wondering, who's going to look after me?

The look of being too deliberately dressed, with everything cautiously matching, always bores me.

I adore clothes - they're my weakest link! My mother was the same, and she taught me always to look polished.

For me, it's always more interesting to look at things when you don't really have a horse in the race, so to speak.

I always come out playing like I'm the underdog on the court. I never want anyone to catch up to me; that's just how I look at it.

I'm not interested in clothes that just convey a certain look or fashion. Clothes for me have always been a form of self-expression.

Since I was a kid - youngest of five kids - I've always been starved for attention, like 'Look at me! Look at me! Look what I can do!'

I've always been a little off, but it's worked really well for me, and it still works. After so many years, you have a look, you become a brand, la la la.

I want to push the boundaries on the roles that have historically been given to actresses who look like me. There is so much more we can do. There always has been.

I've always worn a lot of Ralph Lauren, and plaid shirts in general have been a signature piece for me. With plaid, you can look super-relaxed or you can look a bit dressed up.

The president of CBS handpicked me for the 'Star Search' revival, which Arsenio Hall hosted. He picked 12 comics, and I was the only female. I always look to that as inspiration.

I always have snack-y foods with me, like nuts and individually wrapped prunes. I don't like getting hungry. When you're hungry, you'll look for foods, and it's never salad; it's always muffins!

There's something magical still about it when I get in a darkroom, and you've shot a roll of film and you develop it and you look at your negatives, and there's, like, imagery there. That always stuns me.

Yeah, I'm a physical kind of guy. I've always liked being physical. It takes a stuntman to really say, 'Look, we don't want you to do this. No, no, I'm serious, you're not going to do this' to get me not to do my stuff.

As for what I might wear, my mantra is that, no matter how chic the event, I don't want to look too prim. I like wearing short cocktail frocks to black-tie events; it just always feels more like me, and a bright red lip is always a staple.

I always look for the writers and what they're creating. If it's something I don't buy, it's really hard for me to play it. To me, it has to be grounded in some sort of reality. It's really hard to go to these extreme places if they're not grounded.

I always write my first draft in longhand, in lined notebooks. I move around the house, sitting where I like, and watch the words spool out in front of me, actually taking a lot of pleasure in the way they look in my strange handwriting on the page.

It's always interesting for me to watch the pilot of an established show because you see how the writers and actors weren't really sure what the show was and what the dynamics were. If you look at the pilot for 'Seinfeld,' for example, it's practically unrecognizable.

My favourite feature is my hair. It has always made me look different. It was so red when I was born that my mother thought I had blood on my head. When I was a teenager, I looked like a tomboy, but then I understood that I could be a woman who was an intelligent mix between a lady and my mannish side.

I really liked to perform. My mother always tells this story: I was five. They had a party, and they'd put me to bed. I heard everyone on the rooftop, and I went upstairs. No one paid any attention to me, so I took a hose and sprayed everyone. Very elegant, right? 'It's me! Look at me!' I loved the attention.

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