That which you look upon as your own you may keep only so long as the world allows you to own it.

Every time you walk a mile to church and carry a Bible with you, you preach a sermon a mile long.

The thing with being on a series that runs that long is that the writers run out of things to do.

People are backsliders on their knees long before they backslide openly in the eyes of the world.

Only in football is long-term injury the result not of accidents but of the game played properly.

Shame is like everything else; live with it for long enough and it becomes part of the furniture.

Titles or awards are not the mark of your success. They are the beginning of a life-long sadhana.

I don't know if I ever told you this before, but you're the only one I ever waited for this long.

The case has been going on for so long that I've forgotten whether I'm really innocent or guilty.

Mountain hikes instilled in me a life-long urge to get to the top of any inviting summit or peak.

I'm trying to solidify a long-term career, because I have no other skills and no other abilities.

No great work has ever been produced except after a long interval of still and musing meditation.

Listen, Dundy, it's been a long time since I burst into tears because a policeman didn't like me.

Tally turned away. Five minutes was suddenly too long to stand here, eyes burning, unable to cry.

No matter how long we have been walking with Jesus, we need to hear again, do not love the world.

Russians have a new freedom, but as long as they don't express that freedom on a public platform.

I justified it in so many ways. I had a very, very long and difficult struggle with my sexuality.

While I made a splash, rappers came and passed But still I ask myself: how long does famous last?

I mean as long as I have been doing music I know I am only 30% of what I could be and want to be.

I can assure you, as long as I'm here, as long as my colleagues are here, we do know about risks.

I could make good time because I was so long and skinny, shooting through the water like a stick.

It seems to me you do not care what banality a man expresses so long as he expresses it in Irish.

If you [Hillary Clinton] want to change the laws, you've been there a long time, change the laws.

So long as I know what's boiling in my pot I don't bother my head about what's in other people's.

I don’t mind losing as long as I see improvement or I feel I’ve done as well as I possibly could.

Rest assured, as long as I am alive any book purporting to be with my cooperation is a falsehood.

As long as every question is answered by the word "God," scientific inquiry is simply impossible.

Coke didn't last long enough; it gave me a hangover for two weeks for being high for ten minutes.

They must find it hard to take Truth for authority who have so long mistaken Authority for Truth.

Youth is when you think you'll live forever. Old age is when you wonder how you've lived so long.

The attack on the truth by war begins long before war starts and continues long after a war ends.

The Iran nuclear issue is on top of the agenda. It is a very complicated issue with long history.

I just consider myself lucky that I've been a musician this long and not had to find another job.

A President doesn't have a terribly long time to talk to people who are not really on the agenda.

"It's gonna be okay," I said. It was the first time in a long time that I believed it. "It will."

I've been so lonely for long periods of my life that if a rat walked in I would have welcomed it.

Honor, riches, marriage-blessing Long continuance, and increasing, Hourly joys be still upon you!

If we wait long enough, a teacher will answer her own question, so we won't have to do much work.

I never thought I would live long enough to see the legal profession change to the extent it has.

Ethical conduct is something that becomes inherent in an organization over a long period of time.

Management is all about managing in the short term, while developing the plans for the long term.

I don't need anything as long as I have my family, friends, millions of dollars, unlimited pussy.

Believe me, it would be a long, long, cold day before I decide to warm up next to Rupert Murdoch.

As long as you're willing to be called a fool, you can create anything, do anything, be anything.

We keep grinning 'til the weekend comes, just a pinch between your cheek and gum, all night long.

In the long run, there are no secrets. in science. The universe will not cooperate in a cover-up.

The President has a quick and able mind, though not everybody gives him that, not by a long shot.

They kept me in a cage for too long because now every room I am standing in is just another cell.

Art – the one achievement of man which has made the long trip up from all fours seem well advised

The only way of learning the method of science is the long and bitter way of personal experience.

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