As long as you're green, you're growing. As soon as you're ripe, you start to rot.

In my day job, I worry non-stop about making wise investments for long-term gains.

It doesn't matter much what kind of house you've got as long as it's a happy home.

Neither is life long enough for friendship. That is a serious and majestic affair.

My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress.

I never stopped joking around long enough to realize you weren't laughing anymore.

History reveals that left-brain people have been creating art for a long time now.

We're only here for so long. Be happy, man. You could get hit by a truck tomorrow.

As long as we win games and I harass the quarterback, however I do it, we're good.

I don't care what the newspapers say about me as long as they spell my name right.

I just want to make music that matters, that people will remember for a long time.

I don't think I'll live long enough to shoot my age. I'm lucky to shoot my weight.

Reading a good long novel is in many ways like having a long and satisfying affair

People don't care how smart woman is as long as she's charming and gay and pretty.

A politician before he can become a statesman has to remain in office long enough.

The joys of love...last only a moment. The sorrows of love last all the life long.

For a long time a very strong and deep attraction has drawn me to missionary life.

Take care of yourselves, and live as long as you can, and do all the good you can.

I've been around for a very long time, I've been around since God had baby cheeks.

Any art worth its name requires you to be fundamentally lost for a very long time.

There's nothing wrong with getting knocked down, as long as you get right back up.

If your fund doesn't last for the long term, how can you invest for the long term?

I learned a long time ago that reality was much weirder than anyone's imagination.

The human digestive and visual systems did clearly evolve over a very long period.

Possessive parents rarely live long enough to see the fruits of their selfishness.

There can be no peace, no stability as long as occupation and aggression continue.

We've already been killed, all of us. It happened so long ago, we've forgotten it.

So long as you have faith in your Guru, nothing will be able to obstruct your way.

People have been sharing pictures of their food for as long as there's been caves.

Climate change is probably the greatest long-term challenge facing the human race.

If you spend too long trying to avoid death, you will be dead in at least one way.

Leaders will not experience long-term success unless a lot of people want them to.

As long as I'm facing the right direction, it doesn't matter the size of my steps.

I've wanted to hit Jay Cutler so hard for so long that this move just makes sense.

And worse I may be yet: the worst is not So long as we can say 'This is the worst.

And I think women have come a very, very long way, but they have a long way to go.

But if that's what you want to be, that's what you will be - as long as you study.

Maybe I just stay in relationships for too long and then they get really dramatic.

Show me an executive that works long hard hours and I'll show you a bad executive.

Nothing else matters so much as long as you can come home and be with your family.

I have never produced anything good except by a long succession of slight efforts.

I'd like to make music for as long as I can; it feels like something I need to do.

Addiction - When you can give up something any time, as long as it's next Tuesday.

I would like a simple life / yet all night I am laying / poems away in a long box.

Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense.

He had long nostril hairs, powerfully intimidating, like an unscheduled nightmare.

Long term I do believe internationally there is a huge misunderstanding of Russia.

Long after one has forgotten what a woman wore, the memory of her perfume lingers.

You must go on a long journey before you can really find out how wonderful home is.

These days, to be seven years in one spot in any pro sport is a pretty long tenure.

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