Scientific advertising has altered many old plans and conceptions. It has proved many long established methods to be folly

People overestimate what they can accomplish in the near term and underestimate what they can accomplish in the long term.

I lose patience with long stories. I get people who go, "Crumb, do some long stories, do a graphic novel." Novel-schmovel.

A long, exact, and serious comedy; In every scene some moral let it teach, And, if it can, at once both please and preach.

The work I prefer to do are the smaller budget pictures, television can be great but it ties you up for quite a long time.

I'm happy with the people that I have around me. And they've been friends of mine since I was young, for a very long time.

Since I spend such a long time making each book, I only choose books that I'm really interested in and that I really love.

I think you can save and spend to live for however long you live. You just have to be flexible if things don't go as plan.

Failure is only postponed success as long as courage 'coaches' ambition. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory.

I picture several reviewers of my own books as passing a long future lodged between Brutus and Judas in the jaws of Satan.

It’s interesting how you can know someone for a long time, and then one day you just see them in this whole different way.

I don't ever wanna come across too intimidating, so as long as I look like you can come up and give me a hug, that's good.

Great power which incites great envy, hurls some men to destruction; they are drowned in a long splendid stream of honors.

Dub music is like a long echo delay, looping through time...turning the rational musical order into an ocean of sensation.

You know, you lose a lot of social skills if you’re a writer. You spend too long alone. And it’s forced me to address that.

I had a lot of nerves for a long time about career-oriented things, and I've slowly sort of let myself relax into it a bit.

If you wait until those weapons pose a direct, clear, present danger to the United States, you've probably waited too long.

Her suffering ended with the day, Yet lived she at its close, And breathed the long, long night away In statue-like repose.

I've been a fan of ketchup for as long as I can remember, and the thick, rich flavor of Hunt's ketchup delivers every time.

Scarcely any degree of judgment is sufficient to restrain the imagination from magnifying that on which it is long detained

We have to learn to be kind to ourselves. In the long run avoiding unpleasantness is a very unkind thing to do to yourself.

I'm fortunate that I've been in this business long enough that I've earned the right to be left alone by my record company.

The senior wizard in a world of magic had the same prospects of long-term employment as a pogo stick tester in a minefield.

For a long time I was convinced that the conflict between Jewish people and black people in this country was a media event.

Not gold, but only man can make a people great and strong; men who, for truth and honor's sake, stand fast and suffer long.

To my mother, I was everything. To my father, nothing at all. To my grandmother, I was a daily reminder of loves long lost.

Time management is the key. Although it seems hectic, as long as you manage your time properly you can get everything done.

I know my own deficiencies, one of which is that I had lived away from America for such a long time. It's called expatriate

Having been born into the house of a warrior, one's intentions should be to grasp the long and the short swords and to die.

The loss of my parents was definitely the hardest thing I've had to endure. I just felt really dead inside for a long time.

People have really long attention spans, and they love complicated plots. TV series are giving the audience what they want.

Don't forget I started looking at China a long time before any of those races happened. I always thought go east, not west.

All there is to investing is picking good stocks at good times and staying with them as long as they remain good companies.

Propaganda is a soft weapon; hold it in your hands too long, and it will move about like a snake, and strike the other way.

Sarcasm I now see to be, in general, the language of the devil; for which reason I have long since as good as renounced it.

Life is a nacho. It can be yummy-crunchy or squishy-yucky. It just depends on how long it takes for you to start eating it.

You're like the lyrics to my favorite song. You stick with me all day long. And when I reach the end I wanna hear it again.

Because so few people make an actual long term commitment to what they're building, the ones that do have a huge advantage.

Reminiscing, with obvious emotion, on his long career It has turned out a whole lot better than I ever, ever, ever dreamed.

Waiting and hoping is a hard thing to do when you've already been waiting and hoping for almost as long as you can bear it.

And long we try in vain to speak and act Our hidden self, and what we say and do Is eloquent, is well -- but 'tis not true!

And so long as I can laugh, never will I be poor. This then, is one of nature's greatest gifts and I will waste it no more.

I hold that a long poem does not exist. I maintain that the phrase, "a long poem," is simply a flat contradiction in terms.

Our children long for realistic maps of the future that they can be proud of. Where are the cartographers of human purpose?

A sense of wrongness, of fraught unease, as if long nails scraped the surface of the moon, raising the hackles of the soul.

Human rights are inscribed in the hearts of people; they were there long before lawmakers drafted their first proclamation.

I'm not going to talk about supporting somebody for a long time. I don't know who the two party candidates are going to be.

The least and most imperceptible impressions received in our infancy have consequences very important and of long duration.

The fans are especially amazing in Mexico. You look out your window, and there are fans that stay out there all night long.

So long as the presence of death lurks with anyone who goes through the simple act of swallowing, I will make mine whiskey.

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