I think the economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable and we should face up to it.

Our ability to turn off empathy for specific kinds of humans and then use faulty logic to justify our beliefs is messily sociopathic.

Life teaches us that human thought almost never walks hand in hand with logic, and it is usually counterproductive to raise the point.

Truth is irrelevant. What is relevant is whether or not they believe it." The logic in the words grated. "The first rule of scoundrels?

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.

Every project has its own logic and parameters. In some objects, functionality is primary, and in others, it is rather inconsequential.

Logic is the last scientific ingredient of Philosophy; its extraction leaves behind only a confusion of non-scientific, pseudo problems.

For me, who only desire to become wise, not more learned or eloquent, these logical or Aristotelian dispositions of parts are of no use.

It is evidently equally foolish to accept probable reasoning from a mathematician and to demand from a rhetorician demonstrative proofs.

We should start being intolerant to those who are intolerant to us. This is not modern logic, this is not extreme, this is common sense.

Everything that I do has a certain mechanical logic to it, and follows my definition of design--which is function with cultural content.

From a drop of water a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other.

If you think about the practical difficulties of having a relationship with somebody on the other side of the world, it defies all logic.

It takes extraordinary wisdom and self-control to accept that many things have a logic we do not understand that is smarter than our own.

ALGEBRA is a general Method of Computation by certain Signs and Symbols which have been contrived for this Purpose, and found convenient.

Simple logic dictates that if you cannot even conceive the possibility of leaving a negotiation, then it is preferable never to enter one.

I think anything goes in fiction as long as it fits within the interior logic of the work itself and is presented in a disciplined manner.

[Aristotle formal logic thus far (1787)] has not been able to advance a single step, and hence is to all appearances closed and completed.

Each experience of love nudges us toward the Story of Interbeing, because it only fits into that story and defies the logic of Separation.

What I like about the jokes, to me it's a lot of logic, no matter how crazy they are. It has to make absolute sense, or it won't be funny.

What I've attempted to do is establish a world through art in which the validity of my Negro experience could live and make its own logic.

A dead end street is a good place to turn around. Can't really fault the logic of that, unless you want to go down the dead end of course!

Life isn't always about logic and reasons—sometimes you just have to close your eyes and jump. Particularly when it comes to relationships.

When the gun lobby fights gun-control legislation, its logic is clear: it does not like laws that prevent people from owning or using guns.

Although the organizing logic of our nation's surveillance apparatus is invisibility and secrecy, its operations occupy the physical world.

Why should I live my whole life where I don't want to be. [it's a good point - pretty hard to argue with that sort of logic really isn't it!

It defies logic that protections against predatory debt collection practices don't apply to debt collectors hired by the federal government.

The want of logic annoys. Too much logic bores. Life eludes logic, and everything that logic alone constructs remains artificial and forced.

As a child, I loved fairy tales because the story, the what-comes-next, is paramount. As an adult, I'm fascinated by their logic and illogic.

Because to me, there is no logic of any kind behind misogyny. Therefore, it’s funny, because it’s so completely random to me. It’s senseless.

It isn't often that the logic behind a policy is so clear. But when it comes to the value of educating girls, the evidence speaks for itself.

A buddy of mine is doing a documentary on decisions, and they're not based on a ton of logic. It's mostly how you relate to them emotionally.

Many of our deepest motives come, not from an adult logic of how things work in the world, but out of something that is frozen from childhood.

Sometimes you tell someone to never call you again; and then the phone rings and you hope it's them - it's the most twisted logic of all time.

We must go beyond the constant clamor of ego, beyond the tools of logic and reason, to the still, calm place within us: the realm of the soul.

Capitalism inevitably and by virtue of the very logic of its civilization creates, educates and subsidizes a vested interest in social unrest.

Sometimes, more money is spent on promotion of a film than the making of it. I don't understand that logic. The movie should run on its merit.

It must be, for there is a logic to everything on this earth and nothing is done without a reason, that God sometimes lets scientists discover.

One of the most powerful transformational catalysts is knowledge, new information, or logic that defies old mental models and ways of thinking.

A computer is not really like us. It is a projection of a very small part of ourselves: that portion devoted to logic, order, rule and clarity.

The logic of science was infallible, and if the scientists were sometimes mistaken, this was assumed to be only from their mistaking its rules.

Turin is a city which entices a writer towards vigor, linearity, style. It encourages logic, and through logic it opens the way towards madness.

Neither Aristotelian nor Russellian rules give the exact logic of any expression of ordinary language; for ordinary language has no exact logic.

Shop often, shop hard, and spend for the best stuff available - logic dictates that you can make delicious food only with delicious ingredients.

I loved logic, math, computer programming. I loved systems and logic approaches. And so I just figured architecture is this perfect combination.

Logic is the science of the laws of thought, as thought,--that is of the necessary conditions to which thought considered in itself is a subject.

Nature is the source of all true knowledge. She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention without necessity.

We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.

I live in Realville, and my problem is that I'm governed by logic. And some of the claims that are made by people on the left just don't hold up.

It ["The Ancient Mariner"] is marvellous in its mastery over that delightfully fortuitous inconsequence that is the adamantine logic of dreamland.

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