The lowest period was when I was with Tottenham, and they loaned me out to Dulwich Hamlet.

They are not your players, they are loaned from the club. You just wheel them out for a game for England.

M.G.M. never really gave me a break. They loaned me out for leading roles but cast me in programme pictures.

Well, I had a fiddle that I really can't play, so I loaned it to Darrell. But yeah, he's from another planet.

Dynasty was the opportunity to take charge of my career rather than waiting around like a library book waiting to be loaned out.

You don't have to be too clever to know that if Barcelona loaned me to another team, it's because they have little interest in me.

It was strange joining Chelsea, but when I signed, I knew I would be loaned out to a team. They had, like, a five-year plan for me.

It's hard in England. If I didn't score for three games, there was the chance someone would take my place or I would be loaned out.

I didn't have any bridesmaids. Instead, one friend did my hair, another did my makeup, and a third loaned me her shimmering Jimmy Choo wedges!

I've been promoted, relegated, won big trophies, gone months without scoring, played for my country at World Cups, been bought, sold, loaned, and called 'a freak.'

I felt bad for Newcastle when they lost their 2005 FA Cup semi-final to Manchester United. They had loaned me out to Celtic, but I still had a lot of affection for them.

Rather than going through a commercial banking training program, at the first bank I ever worked in, I was the chairman. And it was my own money, so we loaned it out like it was my own money.

Children are not casual guests in our home. They have been loaned to us temporarily for the purpose of loving them and instilling a foundation of values on which their future lives will be built.

The Senate voted 59 to 39 in favor of an amendment I offered to the Budget Resolution calling on the Fed to tell the American people who they loaned $2.2 trillion to and how much each bank received.

Studios were just run differently. There really was a head of a studio. There were people who loved their studios. Who worked for their studios and were loaned out to other people and everybody sort of got a piece. Well now there's a handful now.

When we die our money, fame, and honors will be meaningless. We own nothing in this world. Everything we think we own is in reality only being loaned to us until we die. And on our deathbed at the moment of death, no one but God can save our souls.

Now, in this U.N. stuff, the commander, although he has troops, they don't really belong to him. They're loaned by the country to the U.N. to be used, but each of these countries provide a contingent commander, a senior guy who communicates directly back to his capital.

In the 1950s, when I was hanging around Sullivan's Gym and the Gramercy Gym, there were fixed fights. Mob guys like Frankie Carbo and Blinky Palermo had taken over the sport; one lightweight champion loaned his title to others at least twice; the welterweight division was a slag heap.

Do you lend books and DVDs to people? If so, don't you always regret it? All my life I have forced books on to people who have subsequently forgotten all about it. Meanwhile, on my shelves sit many orphaned books loaned to me over the years by trusting, innocent souls - some as long ago as the Seventies.

My mother loaned me $1000. The first issue came out at the end of 1953. I knew I needed something original. I had a photographer shoot a 3D feature for the first issue and learned it would cost too much money. When the 3D thing turned out to be too expensive, at that same moment I came across the photos of Marilyn Monroe.

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