I love to perform. I love live shows.

I go to New York to see live shows, not movies.

Our live shows are a visual as well as a musical experience.

The most amazing live shows that I've ever seen were Rain Parade shows.

I get a lot of inspiration from the audience feedback to our live shows.

Live shows are really big for me. I want to do as many of those as I can.

But live shows are cool. I just got back into the idea of enjoying it live.

Live shows are fun - sometimes. But you have to practice for months on end.

I feel my live shows are my music; everything blossoms from the live shows.

The only way to stay sharp is to do live shows. There is no part-time comedy.

The best live shows I've ever been to were Green on Red live shows. Amazing live band.

We are lucky to have a big fan base and that we can support ourselves doing live shows.

We look at our albums as stand-alone pieces of art and also as adverts for our live shows.

I only want to do live shows. What happens with TV shows is you can't always do things live.

At the end of the day, a playback singer has to depend on live shows as their source of income.

When I go to my live shows it's often a multigenerational audience, a family bonding experience.

We always felt it helped during live shows to have multiple lead singers to give our voices a break.

Live shows have been going on for so long, can you really do something that's never been done before?

The best part about live shows is you have a script, and you throw it out after the first five minutes.

We're seeing how the videos translate to the live shows and how the technology is really reaching kids.

We played a lot of live shows, we just kept plugging away and playing music and people kept coming back.

We love 'I'm a Celebrity,' 'Britain's Got Talent,' 'Saturday Night Takeway,' but they're all live shows.

If you come to any of my live shows, you'll see, it's very frenetic. I have the attention span of a gnat.

If you really see how many live shows are going on... you can start to do things that are out of the ordinary.

Sometimes if you're in the studio for a very long time, you want to get out and play live shows and vice versa.

I love acting on television and look forward to more roles, for sure. And I also love and need to perform live shows.

I find that I get most of the same things I loved about performing in the ring when I do my live shows around the world.

Through the years I've found that I prefer live playing to recording. I still do lots of recording - but I treasure the live shows.

I worked with Carl Perkins on a number of shows. Live shows. He just showed up and played. He just killed. Killed! Man... he was amazing!

I think our live shows dispelled any misconceptions people had about us. When you come see us live, you know we're anything but a boy band.

I think that live shows are more important for singers than composers, because composers still get a lot of recognition as compared to a singer.

When I am not recording, I do live shows or am at home catching up on shows which I regularly watch. But there will always be some music around me.

I'm just ah, actually developing a tv show for HBO, and I'm directing a film this summer, and actually I'm doing some live shows out in western Canada.

Well, you know, I mean, I first did my live shows in the late 70's and in those days I had a boatload of equipment that always seemed to be going wrong.

I'm a seeker of transcendence through music, and that's kind of where I'm at with the live shows - wanting to help people get out of their heads a little bit.

Live shows were always religion for us. We never played a show - whether it was in front of 15 people or 15,000 - where it wasn't everything we had that night.

When you are busy with all the live shows and bands, world music and jazz music, it takes time to come back and do a pop album. It needs its own length of time.

Even if I hadn't won 'Drag Race,' even if I'd never been on, I'd still be working my tail off, creating live shows, magazines, videos, anything I possibly could!

Live shows are pretty much like the center of the storm... where the power comes from, the most raw experience. That's the juice. That's where we hit the hardest.

We figured you could download live shows for days, so we decided to go for a cream-of-the-crop approach, but not just take the best vocal or the best performances.

I've studied live shows and artists for so long. I got the tour documentaries and all that and watched them. I love a show. I love an artist that can do all of it.

There are three things we need to do for a band. We need to make a great record; we need to get the record played; and we need to find an audience for the live shows.

Enter Shikari are a mash-up of everything. I used to really love dubstep when they first came out. They had those amazing basslines, so I loved going to the live shows.

I think from doing so many live shows it gives you a real appreciation of being present. You don't know what's going to happen, you don't know what is around the corner.

I feel, in my live shows, I can be as dynamic as I want. It's my comfort zone. When I get in the studio, it's more of a solitary experience, which can be good creatively.

I think in 2016 I'm going to focus on performing a lot more and doing as many shows as I can. There's plans to tour more, and that's where my heart is - doing the live shows.

I think people need to have fun with whatever they're doing - makeup, their clothes, music, live shows - anything you don't need to take too seriously, don't take too seriously.

I'm sure Madonna has been a huge influence for many female artists. Her live shows always make a massive impact; the sets are amazing, and she's always trying new things on stage.

As far as the live shows go, we're not leapfrogging all the smaller venues. We would have bypassed these kind of shows and gone straight to the Arena shows, but we didn't want to.

It's not like making records is terrible. Still, I do find the writing of the songs and the live shows to be the things that give you the most clear picture of what it's all about.

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