Be a little kinder to each other.

Time is Galleons, little brother.

Little sins are pioneers of hell.

One little light can light 10,000

We all go a little mad sometimes.

I wish I was a little bit taller.

You want a little talent on that?

It only takes a little innovation.

I am a rune a carrot a little joke

I'm little, but I love big things.

I'm a little young for retirement.

There's little comfort in the wise

Thankfulness makes much of little.

Great rogues hang the little ones.

I like people, for a little while.

To say goodbye is to die a little.

I used to be a dusty little child.

Elevate those guns a little lower.

I took a little celebrational nap.

I think I am a little too old now.

Each little chapter has its place.

So many little rope.

I was a very confident little kid.

Cupid "the little greatest enemy."

He loves little who loves by rule.

I dream too much, work too little.

Repentance is for little children.

I had little talent for happiness.

Little things please little minds.

I was a little bit of a cocky kid.

I grew up on a tiny little island.

A little praise goes a great ways.

Don't treat me like a little girl.

We're just some little metal band.

Put a little love here in my void.

A little party never killed nobody.

Art: to nudge truth along a little.

This is for all the little Stingers

Each day is a little bit of history

Men expect too much, do too little.

God asks little, but He gives much.

A little danger adds spice to life.

There is a little good in all evil.

Have a little faith. Don't give up.

Everybody exaggerates a little bit.

I am a little world made cunningly.

A little bait catches a large fish.

To belittle, you have to be little.

A little rebellion is a good thing.

I don't know who Little Richard is.

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