I would never allow anyone to give me money, no difference how badly I needed it. I wanted literally to earn my living.

Studio films are driven by marketing. The currency is literally money. But in the indie world, the currency is passion.

I'm also a huge cinephile, and I have witnessed that to honor the book literally word-for-word never makes a good movie.

A good teacher who can take the zero pay and help kids develop physically, emotionally, socially, is literally an angel.

We tend to block off many of our senses when we're staring at a screen. Nature time can literally bring us to our senses.

I'm afraid I am tidy, and I have to be because the office is open plan and my glass office door is literally always open.

I'm Jewish and my wife isn't so right now we're literally decorating a Christmas tree with Jewish stars draped around it.

Sometimes I've gotten photographs back and people have literally shaven off pieces of me, and I tell them to put it back.

I believe strongly in inspiration, inspiration literally meaning 'full of the spirit.' I do believe that it comes to you.

I have been hunted for twenty-one years. I have literally lived in the saddle. I have never known a day of perfect peace.

A startup is literally just a series of unfortunate events where you failed, failed, failed, and failed until you succeed.

That was the appealing thing about comics: There literally is no budget in comics. You're only limited by your imagination.

God has ways of shaking the world when He is at work. He literally caused the ground to quake when Jesus died on the cross.

When you're on the subway in New York, people literally could be 11-inches away from you, and you can't just stare at them.

Boy, you know, it's amazing how your brain can turn into a sieve, and you can literally forget episodes that you have shot.

After my triple bypass I got my sheet of healthy and unhealthy foods and I was like, croissants!?! Literally as bad as lard.

I like 'Shameless.' The first season I just watched it straight through. I literally didn't get up. I just had to finish it.

Like, literally, when you get the script, you're like, 'Whoa, I hope the Black Hood isn't after me.' I guess we'll find out.

I'd literally rather hang out at the T.G.I. Friday's in New Jersey than tool around at a place that sells $40 cheeseburgers.

I used to literally collect friends that had hair like me. And it would start like this: 'What kind of products do you use?'

I completely and utterly rely on my mum. Without my mum, I would not be anywhere at all. I'd literally just be a couch potato.

I literally integrated the small town of Libertyville, Illinois. I was the first person of color to reside within its borders.

In a portrait, you have room to have a point of view. The image may not be literally what's going on, but it's representative.

See what I do is I book a studio that's closed down and I go by myself. No one's in there, literally just me and the engineer.

I really believe in the power of music - and I mean literally the power of musical tones - to rearrange the way you can think.

Tatcha Face Moisture Mask and a facial by Nicola Joss, who literally massages your face from inside your mouth! Insane, right?

'Pnin' by Vladimir Nabokov, which is a literally small book, fit right in my common law book. I would sit in class and read it.

I made my parents crazy. As a kid, I redecorated my bedroom every month. I would literally save my allowance and go buy things.

When I get out of bed in the morning, I literally say a prayer. The first thing I do is thank God that I got through the night.

Gender transition isn't about gender. It's about literally making yourself a better person because you know that's a better you.

When we clear the physical clutter from our lives, we literally make way for inspiration and 'good, orderly direction' to enter.

I dated this guy who literally would never eat a single vegetable. I was like, 'This is terrible. You eat like a five-year-old.'

In television, everything is gone with the speed of light, literally. It is no field for anybody with intimations of immortality.

I don't know how this company got the name National Shakespeare Company, because it was literally like retards employing retards.

I love how it feels to go into the gym, crank all my favorite music and literally sweat out all of the things that stress me out.

When I'm at my grandparents', I know I literally have to do nothing but relax, enjoy myself, and enjoy my family members' company.

But when the 'Glee' audition came around, my manager literally had to talk me into it. I was petrified to sing in front of anyone.

I haven't had my teeth fixed, I haven't had a hair transplant. I haven't had a skin peel, tummy tuck. I've done literally nothing.

You can write jokes at any point of the day. Jokes are not that hard to write, or they shouldn't be when it is literally your job.

I think that the economy, and the political system, has literally become such a disaster I don't know if it's possible to save it.

I would literally sit at home and have my friends take pictures of me on my little Canon camera that my mom gave me for Christmas.

When you're doing a film, people are always telling you exactly what to do. Literally, your own decisions are taken away from you.

It is essential to naturalist doctrine that literature, to be good, must, finally, be the author's experience worked out literally.

I always try to make healthy baked goods, like an oatmeal cookie that literally has only oats, nuts, bananas and apple sauce in it.

I have an eight-year-old child, and I literally can't wrap my mind around the kind of grief that must be felt when you lose a child.

Designs are increasingly winning competitions because they are literally green, and because somewhere they feature a small windmill.

I remember auditioning for 'Moulin Rouge!,' the part that Ewan McGregor played. I was so young: I was literally just out of college.

I have a maple leaf tattoo over my heart, quite literally, and my two favorite things on Earth are being in Canada and making movies.

I think that people think that since I literally wrote the book on how to love yourself that I love myself all the time, but I don't.

I literally cringe every time I see someone trying to trash talk. Some people just don't have it and they try, and I find that funny.

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