They teach you there's a boundary line to music. But, man, there's no boundary line to art.

Good composition is like a suspension bridge - each line adds strength and takes none away.

Wise are those who learn that the bottom line doesn't always have to be their top priority.

I've taken my knickers off. My friends told me my panty line was visible, so I went without.

I'm not sure I can say there is a clean line between me as an individual and me as a lawyer.

The bottom line in the Christian life is obedience and most people don't even like the word.

If a line of poetry strays into my memory, my skin bristles so that the razor ceases to act.

The bottom line is that any business should be a meritocracy. The best and brightest. Period.

The bottom line as far as I was concerned was presenting to the public who Gerry Ferraro was.

Nice guys finish first. If you don't know that, then you don't know where the finish line is.

The fellow who says he'll meet you halfway usually thinks he's standing on the dividing line.

If I'd had some set idea of a finish line, don't you think I would have crossed it years ago?

When the line started to blur between the fans and the players, sometimes things can get ugly.

I'm a Detroit kid who grew up with that assembly line mentality: You go to work to make money.

I liked being CEO of Blockbuster, but my job is to put it on the bottom line for shareholders.

There's a funny line between feeling objectified and feeling supported and it's a very odd one.

The bottom line is that the death tax is a tax on the economy because it slows economic growth.

I think the coach, the owner, the GM, the players want to win the game. That's the bottom line.

You don't need a pickup line. Just glance at a woman from across the room. Glance - don't stare.

I always told everybody the perfect joke would be where the setup and punch line were identical.

I'm kind of a nerd. A square. And I'm terrible at telling jokes. I always forget the punch line.

Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.

I grew up with all mothers, all women. I come from a long line of matriarchs, very strong women.

I have always thought of myself as a performer first and way down the line as a recording artist.

When you want something that is very dear to you, somewhere along the line, you become the child.

Morality depends on individual freedom, and it requires some sense to know where to draw the line.

I'm willing to put my body on the line and stuff like that, just to get a taste of that greatness.

Everything has gotten vulgar and out of line for children to watch. It's more of a swearing match.

Any proposal that allows people who are here illegally to cut to the front of the line is amnesty.

Bottom line, your body is a temple, and you have to treat it that way. That's how God designed it.

I waited tables in New York, and when you're in that line of work, you often have a horrible boss.

My life was on the line here and my career and everything I worked for, it was hanging by a thread.

Even if you flippin' fries at McDonald's, if you are excellent, everybody wants to be in your line.

Be able to back up a car for a considerable distance in a straight line and back out of a driveway.

To me, hitting the ball in the air means hitting a line drive, and I hit far more balls in the air.

Between calculated risk and reckless decision-making lies the dividing line between profit and loss.

Last year I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a dotted line. He caught every other fish.

You'd better believe that Putin sees that in Syria, Obama draws a red line and ignores the red line.

But I can also write in crappy motel rooms, while standing in line, or sitting in the dentist's chair.

There's always a fine line that divides hostility from neutrality, and I don't want to pass that line.

There was one director who crossed the line. I scolded him so much that he later never tried anything.

There's a fine line between stubbornness and the positive side of that, which is dogged determination.

It's really nice when life comes full circle and you get to work with people four years down the line.

I'm just back in line with every other actor looking for a job right now and keeping my fingers crossed.

You can play a gig as a band and not know that they hated you; with standup, after every line, you know.

I have always believed helping your fellow man is profitable in every sense, personally and bottom line.

I was training to be an electrician. I suppose I got wired the wrong way round somewhere along the line.

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.

The line between winning and losing is very thin, and wins give you prestige, stability, and continuity.

If you're saying the same line 10 times and making it look like you just came up with it, that's acting.

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