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Prudent and active men, who know their strength and use it with limit and circumspection, alone go far in the affairs of the world.
The only organization capable of unprejudiced growth, or unguided learning, is a network. All othertopologies limit what can happen
Whatever appeals to the imagination, by transcending the ordinary limits of human ability, wonderfully encourages and liberates us.
What is now commonplace was once not, and I think that's a testament to what it means to really break the mold and push the limits.
It helped me in the air to keep my small mind contained in earthly human limits, not lost in vertiginous space and elements unknown.
Life in space isn't easy. It's full of challenges that push the limits of technology, and often requires truly innovative solutions.
The very lack of opportunity the group faces creates a self-defeating cycle and puts pressure on members to limit their aspirations.
We can make ourselves whole only by accepting our partiality, by living within our limits, by being humans not by trying to be gods.
So he that despairs, limits an Infinite Power to a Finite Apprehension, and measures Providence by his own little, contracted Model.
When our inner self connects to our work and our work to our inner self, the work knows no limit, for the inner self knows no limit.
We have been far too aggressive about extracting ocean wildlife, not appreciating that there are limits and even points of no return.
I'm not going to limit myself in ways to compose or how I should record. You just do what you can with what you've got at the moment.
There are severe limits to the good that the government can do for the economy, but there are almost no limits to the harm it can do.
I do have limits on my money. I like calling my mom to ask, "Can I have that?" Because I know I can be spending my money more wisely.
In terms of quantity, we've probably already reached the limit of what's feasible. I think a change of direction may be what's needed.
I am not a refugee. I sought refuge for many years, but the word 'refugee' does not define me. It just limits me and puts me in a box.
You have to learn to get comfortable being uncomfortable. You have to be willing to get out of your comfort zone and push your limits.
Because I'm English, I try not to make any purely American references, because I want to limit how much I'm pretending to be American.
You can't have a relationship with a device whose limits are unknown to you, because without limits, it keeps becoming something else.
You are emerging from the cocoon of your former self. There are no limits to the extent of the transformation that's possible for you.
I find in my own writing that only fiction - and rarely, a poem - fully tests me to the kind of limits of what I know and what I feel.
The constant assumption runs throughout the law that the natural and spontaneous evolutions of habit fix the limits of right and wrong.
It is indeed the boundary of life, beyond which we are not to pass; which the law of nature has pitched for a limit not to be exceeded.
Can there not be a limit to the fact that really you need to cut your cloth in accordance with what capabilities and finances you have?
Rigid, state-enforced sex equality is a Marxist policy, pursued to the outer limits in the old East Germany and now being adopted here.
I read Pushing the Limit and Dare You To by Katie McGarry. Fantastic stuff. I had never read young adult before, but now Im a believer.
Man is a substantial emigrant on a pilgrimage of being, and it is accordingly meaningless to set limits to what he is capable of being.
It is of the essence of imaginative culture that it transcends the limits both of the naturally possible and of the morally acceptable.
The most unfortunate thing that happens to a person who fears failure is that he limits himself by becoming afraid to try anything new.
This actual world of what is knowable, in which we are and which is in us, remains both the material and the limit of our consideration.
As a child, I have seen what poverty is, and I try, to the best of my limits, to ensure that no kid should be deprived of his ambitions.
If you limit yourself to sexual pleasure it's narcissistic. You don't connect with the other, you take what pleasure you want from them.
Part of the reality is it's a much longer campaign, but everybody is faced with the same campaign limits as if it was a 36-day campaign.
Failure isn't something to be embarrassed about; it's just proof that you're pushing your limits, trying new things, daring to innovate.
Californian artists are kind of willing to push the limits a little bit further just because that's kind of our mentality in that state.
They are young and life has no limits. Nothing is impossible, nothing beyond doing or knowing. The world is theirs and everything in it.
If we would serve science, we must extend her limits, not only as far as our own knowledge is concerned, but in the estimation of others.
Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.
If you are a straightforward racing driver you should always see your limits. You have to be objective and not come up with any bullshit.
Today, the notion of progress in a single line without goal or limit seems perhaps the most parochial notion of a very parochial century.
There is one thing we can do, and the happiest of people are those who do it to the limit of their ability. We can be completely present.
I support tax revenue increases, including the top 2 percent, but only if accompanied by responsible spending limits. The key is balance.
In our amusements a certain limit is to be placed that we may not devote ourselves to a life of pleasure and thence fall into immorality.
My role is to take the player to his limits, to provoke him, to annoy him against me, because in this nervousness is the will to improve.
As a lawyer and a former prosecutor, I know the limits of the power and authority of the president. I know what is legal and what is not.
Talent is a process, not a thing. Failure is not proof of an innate limit but rather is an indication of a skill we haven’t yet developed.
As I stated shortly after retiring from the U.S. Army and first pursuing a seat in Congress in 2010, I planned to self-impose term limits.
The most important thing about drinking on the road is just you've gotta do it in moderation, first of all. You've gotta know your limits.
I do not claim to have perfected an art but to have commenced one, the limits of which it is not possible at present exactly to ascertain.
Intelligence is just one dimension of ability. Don't limit yourself to it. Open up to instinct, intuition, creativity and thus possibility