The truth is limitless in its range, if you drop the T and look at it in reverse it could hurt.

God is limitless in His love, and asks that we at least make the effort to be limitless in ours.

Finally, the Witch justifies her existence by going in search of complete and limitless pleasure.

Being married is like having somebody permanently in your corner. It feels limitless, not limited.

Life could be limitless joy, if we would only take it for what it is, in the way it is given to us.

A certain type of perfection can only be realized through a limitless accumulation of the imperfect.

Culture is nourished by human motivation - a limitless resource that can sometimes be underestimated.

I like to think limitlessly, and you can't be limitless if you're constantly looking at best practices.

I guess what I've learned is that there are no boundaries when it comes to imagination. It's limitless.

i am a limitless series of natural disasters and all of these disasters have been unnaturally repressed.

Your brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every human a potential genius.

I'm limitless, spontaneous and fearless. I can take direction and also give it. And I don't dwell on celebrity.

God is limitless awareness. There, now I have told you everything I know about God ... a lot of good it did you.

We were raised with the idea that we had limitless chances and we got very shocked to learn that wasn't the case.

Power is no more than a part, no more than the tip of the iceberg of limitless profundity and sublimate of Karate.

Belief, confidence in yourself.. the world’s your playground. Limitless. My question is... will you be remembered?

'Minecraft' opens up a world of limitless possibilities, driven by the player and created by the fans who love it.

There exist limitless opportunities in every industry. Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier.

Women are working for part or all of their adult lives now. The possibilities are limitless, but you need to prepare.

I'm just trying to diversify my portfolio and put myself in a position so when I do retire, the options are limitless.

An industrial system predicated on the delusion of limitless expansion will, in time, consume its own basis of support.

What you do once you're beyond the confines of your local lift service can be as limitless as the mountains themselves.

The glory of a good tale is that it is limitless and fluid; a good tale belongs to each reader in its own particular way.

The variety and flexibility of ClassPass is limitless, ensuring that you'll never get bored, and neither will your muscles.

There's kind of a limitless amount of things I want to do, and when the path seems to open, that's when I try to do a thing.

Love is an aspect of being, and when you act from being, the power you draw on is limitless because it comes from the source.

You know when you're a child and your imagination is limitless and you really believe in magic? I thought I had super powers.

I think sometimes big budget means explosions! CGI! CGI, the possibilities are so limitless that it begins to be impractical.

Sound-wise, I'm really limitless in the way I write songs. Whatever comes out, comes out. Every song is completely different.

The limitless content of our universe might be only one instance of a large (and possibly infinite) number of other universes.

If you embrace that the things that you can do are limitless, you can put your ding in the universe. You can change the world.

If you open up the mind, the opportunity to address both profits and social conditions are limitless. It's a process of innovation.

The human being lives, moves, and has his being in a limitless ocean of health-power, and he uses this power according to his faith.

The artist's world is limitless. It can be found anywhere, far from where he lives or a few feet away. It is always on his doorstep.

The limitless opportunity of being able to do anything is daunting, but it's also the most rewarding. I'm having the time of my life.

We owe it to our children to equip them with all the capabilities they'll need to thrive in the limitless world beyond the classrooms.

The blues is a mighty long road. Or it could be a river, one that twists and turns and flows into a sea of limitless musical potential.

The possibilities for mobilizing the experience, imaginations, and intelligence of workers, both employed and unemployed, are limitless.

The very fact that we find it hard to conceive of an alternative to limitless economic growth is an indication of our spiritual condition.

The personality susceptible to the dream of limitless freedom is a personality also prone, should the dream ever sour, to misanthropy and rage.

Directing, I just feel comfortable. I know what I want. I know what I want from my crew. I lead by example. I have limitless energy as a director.

Movement of people is taking place on an immense scale, and from a European perspective, the number of potential future immigrants seems limitless.

Space opera has always given authors a way to include a vast array of ideas and concepts. The opportunities it provides are limitless. Long may it reign.

When you're a writer and you're an adult, that's something you crave - that limitless imagination and love for worlds that don't exist that you can create.

With a creature, there's no voice, so the eyes become the voice. When you get eye-to-eye contact, a real connection, it's limitless - and incredibly thrilling.

The permanent mental attitude which the sensitive intelligence derives from philosophy is an attitude that combines extreme reverence with limitless skepticism.

So there was not an "I" anymore - not a basis on which I could organize my self-respect - save my limitless capacity for toil that it seemed I possessed no more.

Once, America's size in the imagination was limitless. After Europeans settled and changed it, working from the coasts inland, its size in the imagination shrank.

Human life is limited, but knowledge is limitless. To drive the limited in pursuit of the limitless is fatal; and to presume that one really knows is fatal indeed!

I love the science-fiction genre because there's always so many endless possibilities! It's a limitless genre and can be fun playing around with otherworldly ideas.

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