I promote a healthy lifestyle.

A hairstyle's not a lifestyle.

Being an artist is a lifestyle.

Prevention is better than cure.

I live a pretty crazy lifestyle.

I don't have a lavish lifestyle.

I live a very healthy lifestyle.

I love the short-haired lifestyle.

Everyone's lifestyle is different.

I don't lead a Hollywood lifestyle.

I thrive on that nomadic lifestyle.

I don't have a glamorous lifestyle.

Politics is not a healthy lifestyle.

I don't live a rock n' roll lifestyle.

My lifestyle determines my deathstyle.

He dispensed starlight to casual moths.

Cycling is not a sport it's a lifestyle.

Eating right is part of my lifestyle now.

Music has given me a fantastic lifestyle.

I don't have a life-style, I have a life.

Kindness is not an act, it's a lifestyle.

Take my picture Hollywood. I wanna be STAR

I have a whole different type of lifestyle.

I don't have to live this lavish lifestyle.

I'm living my life, not buying a lifestyle.

Lifestyle is not an amount; it's a practice.

I don't really miss the Hollywood lifestyle.

Traditions have been replaced by lifestyles.

I'm not really into the celebrity lifestyle.

My lifestyle had made me a walking time bomb.

I think worship is a lifestyle, first of all.

I've always lived a really balanced lifestyle.

I've learned to enjoy a very simple lifestyle.

Just because it's old, doesn't mean it's gold.

Football is not part of that lifestyle anymore.

I enjoy being active; it's part of my lifestyle.

I totally changed my life, changed my lifestyle.

Running is not just exercise; it is a lifestyle.

10 Summers isn't just a label, it's a lifestyle.

Porridge and the urban lifestyle don't mix well.

The trappings of lifestyle are often that; traps.

Theater for me at one point was a lifestyle, too.

Most disease is lifestyle related and preventable

I am a big proponent of the pal-centric lifestyle.

I'm eating healthy, I just have a crazy lifestyle.

Lifestyle and livelihood are pivotal moral issues.

Club Med is very suitable for a Chinese lifestyle.

Drinking water is essential to a healthy lifestyle.

My kid is a product of the fast computer lifestyle.

I can't be a student. I always hated that lifestyle.

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