You can't enjoy life if you're not nourishing your body.

At different times in your life, your body needs different things.

It's your body and your life and you have an absolute right to do with it as you choose.

Life's too short not to try different things and to see what works for you and your body.

The adornment of the body is a human need. I don't see anything superficial about it unless your life becomes very materialistic.

You only hear the horror stories - that after a baby, you never get your body back - but it's not true; it depends on your life beforehand.

Being a dancer is my metaphor for life because you have to know your body. Being a dancer and paying attention to fitness is all about moving in balance.

When you are modelling, you are creating a picture, a still life, perhaps something like a silent film. You convey emotion but you are only using your body.

Life is like a Lamborghini. A Lamborghini has an engine, a body, and wheels. No matter how strong your engine is, if you don't have any wheels, you're not going anywhere.

Keto is the only diet that heals you internally because absence of carbs means no sugar in your body, as carb transforms into sugar. It is the diet which was followed by our ancestors and they lived a healthy and a happy life.

If you want to eat pizza, have the pizza. If you want to run 5 miles up a hill, cool, go run. Do whatever you want to do, but don't let the size of your body and other people's opinions about you stop you from living the life you deserve.

People in this room must have back problems, I'm sure some of us do, and it is really, really one of the worst pains and debilitating parts of your body that you can actually have because you really can't do anything in your life when you have it.

Body concentrates order. It continuously self-repairs. Every five days you get a new stomach lining. You get a new liver every two months. Your skin replaces itself every six weeks. Every year, 98 percent of the atoms of your body are replaced. This non-stop chemical replacement, metabolism, is a sure sign of life.

If you want, you can have a coffin made out of cardboard or wicker or papier mache. There's one like a seed pod, or you could buy one that doubles as both a bookcase and a coffin. During your life, you stand it in your living room, and then after you die, the books are taken out and your body put in their place and the whole thing buried.

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