Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.

Some people plan their life out, and it occurs. Others have things they're thinking about, and things don't go that way.

People who have it too easy in early life have a disadvantage for later on, because they get to thinking that everything is going to be easy.

The Jews integrated themselves into American life to the point that the argument that the Jews aren't American sounded so stupid, that people stopped thinking it.

If you see black people being portrayed in this one way well then, when you see a black person in real life, you're going to carry some of that way of thinking with you.

I like making stories and characters that people can relate to. I also like giving the audience a departure from whatever they're thinking about in their life and enjoying a show or a movie.

One thing I was thinking about is that they probably get their come-uppance about the same percentage that people in real life do. Basically, stealing for all practical purposes might as well be legal in New York.

My whole life, I was thinking of names for kids, and I had a couple of kind of different names. I just didn't want him to be one of the crowd, with a - no offense to people with these names, but I don't want him to be a Bob, Dave, Harry, Larry.

I've made plenty of violent games in my life. I play violent games. They don't affect people in the way that a lot of people think they do. They just don't. It's demonstrably true that they don't, and anybody who thinks they do is just not thinking.

With the House of Marley, over the years we've been trying to establish ourselves not just as a brand but a lifestyle movement. So it's been a challenge to get people to adapt to our new way of thinking. We're all about sustainability, the natural life, the eco life.

If you represent a fantasy for the people who actually go to the cinema, they grab that and go with it; therefore, for the rest of their lives, they actually identify you with a certain thinking - a certain philosophy. There are many actors who want to pursue that same thought in real life as well, and that's perfectly acceptable.

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