All my life is in Spain. I will stay.

Whiskey will always be a part of my life.

Singing is and always will be a part of my life.

I will always be a Newcastle United fan all my life.

Yoga changed my life. Hopefully, it will do that for others.

The 'Will Powers' story is like my life to a certain degree.

I've never had staph in my life. Knock on wood, I never will.

I will not surrender responsibility for my life and my actions.

I will give my life to whoever in need, to any dear friend of mine.

Singing is my life. It has always been my life. It will always be my life.

Motown will always be a heavy-duty part of my life because those are my roots.

I will always do stand-up, even if my acting career takes off. Stand-up is my life.

I've gained a lot in my life, so when I get to the position where I can give back, I will.

Don't vote for a Democrat or Republican, I have never voted for one in my life and I never will.

Finding out I was pregnant was one of the most joyous moments in my life. I will never forget it.

The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum.

If you ask my promoters and managers, they will say I've never knocked back an opponent in my life.

Entertaining the boys in Burma was something that I will never forget and will remain a highlight of my life.

Right now, I'm standing behind the glass, and I guess that's a metaphor for how my life will be going forward.

Whether I'd stopped playing professionally at 17 - or if I stop at 35 - tennis will always be a part of my life.

I will not have my life narrowed down. I will not bow down to somebody else's whim or to someone else's ignorance.

In Delhi, I have never taken an auto, while in Mumbai, if there is an auto strike, my life will come to a full stop.

Certainly my life will not ever be as private and discreet, and perhaps I should even use the word insulated, as it was before.

All my life, I have served and will continue to serve the ANC in its pursuit of the objectives of the National Democratic Revolution.

I have never struggled for anything in my life because I never thought I will be an actress. Film just walked up to my house with 'Abodh.'

There have definitely been more than a few moments in my life where I'm wondering where the next paycheck will come from and how I'm gonna pay rent.

The theater I got to do informs every move I make as an actor and will for the rest of my life. I can't shake it if I wanted to, but I don't want to.

I will probably always be remembered as the person who used to be in Klaxons and there was a period of my life when I was trying to wrestle with that.

I have never played the lottery in my life and never will. Voltaire described lotteries as a tax on stupidity. More specifically, I think, on innumeracy.

IT has been observed by several gentlemen, in vindication of this motion, that if it should be carried, neither my life, liberty, nor estate will be affected.

The opportunity to be a part of the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Rio is a huge milestone in my career, and it will be the biggest performance of my life.

What I'm trying to do now in my life - not just with the building, but with everything - is to construct things that will have enduring qualities, and won't just be ephemeral flashes in the pan.

I will always cherish the year 2019 in my life because I've literally lived out of a suitcase, travelled from one set to another and played such a variety of characters, which is a dream for any actor.

Perhaps if I was in a different profession, I wouldn't have worn 'trans' on my forehead. But there's a difference between not wanting to make a big deal out of something and fearing the effect it will have on my life.

I never really had a career, to be honest with you. I never in my life sat down and planned it. I have thought, 'Oh, I'd like to do this,' like anybody would. But I'm not the type that says, 'If I do this, it will lead to that.'

I will sing whatever I'm given to sing. Growing up, I would sing anything that I was given. If the choir needed a first tenor, I would sing first tenor. If they needed a bass, I would sing bass. Throughout my life, I just figured out ways to hit notes I needed to hit.

Though my conduct on the 10th of August 1792 was the act of my life of which I have most reason to be proud, I will here merely do homage to the worthy martyrs of the national sovereignty and the sworn laws, who, while they supported constitutional royalty, manifested the highest degree of republican virtue.

I got involved in cultural studies because I didn't think life was purely economically determined. I took all this up as an argument with economic determinism. I lived my life as an argument with Marxism, and with neoliberalism. Their point is that, in the last instance, economy will determine it. But when is the last instance?

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