I want to fill my life with as much awesome stuff as I can.

Whatever I can do for the longevity of my life, I'm going to do.

I can say without melodrama or malice that Hollywood ruined my life.

After ten albums, I can reevaluate my life. Maybe then I'll settle down.

I can easily connect with the prepubescent dork I spent much of my life being.

The only theatre I do is my own. Somehow, my life is the only life that I can play.

I have to approach my life in this way so I can do what I need to do, and do it very well.

I can say that working with Jessica Lange has been one of the most incredible joys of my life.

I sort of managed to establish in my life that relationships aren't really a thing I can handle.

I've felt depressed many times in my life, so I can draw on those times in my life when I need to.

I can be very serious, but if I'm being honest, I'm very happy with the way my life has turned out.

I've been scoring a lot longer than I haven't been in my life, so I can deal with the ups and downs of it.

I try to pace my life out and try not to be too involved with negativity and try to fix what I can fix in my life.

I can cook because my life depended on it when I lived in Thailand. Either I learnt cooking, or I learnt how it felt to starve. I chose cooking.

Ever since I got back surgery, everything in my life has been about reduction. I've got the lightest backpack I can carry and the lightest MacBook.

During my life I have heard many sermons on the Resurrection. I can recite the events of that first Easter Sunday. I have marked in my scriptures passages regarding the Resurrection.

Top Gear' is the thing that helped shape my life with cars, my perception of cars and my obsession with cars, and I'm raring to give it a go. I'm also quite gobby and happy to get into trouble, so I'm hoping I can underpin the programme with journalistic credibility but still cause some mischief.

For my own part, I have been wont to converse with poverty; and however disagreeable a companion she may be thought to be by the affluent and luxurious, who were never acquainted with her, I can live happily with her the remainder of my life if I can thereby contribute to the redemption of my country.

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