I've worked with children all my life.

My children were the center of my life.

I do know I want to have children. That's the only thing missing in my life. I certainly thought I'd have some by now.

If my style is typically Swedish, I don't know. But I never shouted in all my life at players and I never did it at my children.

My life contains so many other things; I have my children, my grandchildren, my two dogs and a big place in the country. I have my own life.

Eighty percent of my life is normal like any other mother. I worry about my children, if they're doing all right. I worry that my husband is doing well.

I had to make a choice at one point in my life, of missing films or missing my children. It was a very easy decision to make because I missed my children so very much.

Like millions of parents, I chose to send my children to a religious school that shares my belief system, which is central to my life. I objected to changes in the school that, in my opinion, did not reflect that belief system.

I will only do family-friendly films or television. They don't have to necessarily be Christian films, but I want to be in things that I'm comfortable having my children and husband watch. They come first in my life, not the film industry.

I started performing with the Boston Children's Opera when I was 5, and I stayed working with that group until I was about 12 or 13, so that was a huge part of my life. It was, weirdly, an extremely professional environment geared towards kids.

I was at that point where my children needed more than going around the planet in the back of a bus. They needed stability, they needed to build their own lives and relationships, and I needed to put my life on hold. I made my choice - I chose my children.

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