Frankly, I am boring. My life is all about the film set, gym classes, and home.

I am a simple person; I come from a very simple home. We believe in enjoying life and what we have.

At home, I am a private person, and I like keeping it that way. Maybe that is why I come out as being guarded about my personal life.

My daily routine is set: I wake up and go for gymnastics, then dance class, gym, and come back home. That's my life. I am very boring.

Because my home life was nuts, I didn't look to my parents for help. I looked to my teachers. They made me who I am. They took on a parental role. They're like celebrities or heroes to me.

I am a total workaholic. If I don't shoot for two days, I get uncomfortable at home. I won't comment on my personal life. That is totally out of bounds. When I do get married, everyone will know.

So I'm more at home with my backpack, sleeping in a hotel room or on a bus or on an airplane, than I am necessarily on a bed. It's weird being here. It feels like I'm standing next to my real life.

I like coming home because nobody knows who I am. In Cookville, I'm Rich. I'm not a big deal. People like Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, they just can't live a normal life and you do feel sorry for those guys.

I am very lucky that I came from a stable home, but I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life until acting sorted of landed in my lap when I was in my 20s. Acting, to me, was a bit like the ladder I used to climb out of feeling lost.

And I think what people in New Jersey have gotten to know about me over the last decade that I've been in public life is what you see is what you get. And I'm no different when I'm sitting with you than I am when I'm at home or anyplace else.

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