Life is not a bowl full of cherries, there's good and bad stuff.

Life is good when we think it's good. Life is bad when we don't think.

You can get through life with bad manners, but it's easier with good manners.

I've played my whole life for Delhi; I know what is good or bad for Delhi cricket.

No one is all good or all bad, and there's many different ways to go about your life.

You make a choice in your life, and it affects your life in all the ways, good and bad.

Life - the way it really is - is a battle not between Bad and Good but between Bad and Worse.

I think life is a matter of choices and that wherever we are, good or bad, is because of choices we make.

'I know this is going to end bad, but I'm going to pretend it's going to end good.' My life's philosophy.

If all I'm remembered for is being a good basketball player, then I've done a bad job with the rest of my life.

All that is really necessary for survival of the fittest, it seems, is an interest in life, good, bad or peculiar.

The hardest decisions in life are not between good and bad or right and wrong, but between two goods or two rights.

Fresh air is good if you do not take too much of it; most of the achievements and pleasures of life are in bad air.

Nobody wants to get rid of their life experiences - you are who you are because of them, no matter if they're good or bad.

My motto in life has always been 'Everything happens for a reason.' No matter what, good or bad, there is a reason for it all.

Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad.

So much of life is not about whether you're good or bad, or right or wrong, or can afford or not afford - it's just about timing.

Hiring people is like making friends. Pick good ones, and they'll enrich your life. Make bad choices, and they'll bring you down.

In my own life, I'm pretty good at choosing between good and bad. It's the choices between good and good I find the most difficult to make.

Life is not going from bad to good, but it's a balance of the two that kind of goes up and down. There are bad things and there are good things.

Baseball is a universe as large as life itself, and therefore all things in life, whether good or bad, whether tragic or comic, fall within its domain.

We try to do that for stories - we try to say, 'OK, here's the message, here's the theme, here's the good people and the bad.' Life is not nearly like that.

If you look in real life, it is very hard to describe people as good people, bad people, heroes or villains. People aren't bad people. They all have their justifications.

I'm more attracted to the bad guys. Why? Because in real life, I don't know any good guys. I know okay guys. I know polite guys. I know people who can control themselves.

I'm not really good at fun-to-know, human interest stuff. We're not 'celebrities', whose life itself is a performance. Good or bad or ugly, we are our words. They're what people meet.

I don't subscribe to any particular doctrine or ideology. I just think that there's kind of a good and bad, the good being life in its purest, happiest form, and the other being the darker side of existence.

I've had some tremendous adventures, good and bad. It's part of the novel, and a novel isn't interesting if it doesn't have some good and bad. And you don't know what good is if bad hasn't been a part of your life.

In real life, I don't think anybody is all one shade. People who are perceived to be really good have bad thoughts and inclinations that they sometimes act on, I'm sure, and people have different sides to themselves.

You choose to be happy, and in life we have as many good days as bad days. I try to find and record those songs that pull you through the bad days, and keep you believing that the good days are just around the corner.

The foreign policy of the Democrats is bad for Europe and deadly for Hungary. In contrast, the foreign policy of the Republicans and proclaimed by presidential candidate Trump is good for Europe and means life for Hungary.

At the core of all human behavior, the good feelings we all want are more or less the same. Therefore, what we get out of life is not determined by the good feelings we desire but by what bad feelings we're willing to sustain.

I think writers like to see how people bring their words to life, and it's always surprising. Always, no matter what, whether it's good or bad, it's always surprising because a whole human being is coming to that piece of writing.

My dark secrets are life threatening. Pockets of unhappiness set in aspic that build and build. I have this primitive feeling that if something good happens, it is going to be followed by something bad. There is always a price to pay.

I made a very good living as a bad writer. I wrote a lot of comedies, 'Diff'rent Strokes,' 'Facts of Life,' while all my friends were doing the good shows, like 'Cheers,' but I loved it because I got to be a working writer in Hollywood.

I think you've got good people and bad people in everything you do. If you start making a big deal of it, then it's a problem. It's like in life. We've got bad doctors and lawyers. We've got bad priests! We don't target every priest and say he's bad. You have to go to church and you have to go see some doctors. Some people have to be good.

Sometimes I want to withhold judgement on whether something is good or bad, but I do feel like identifying with TV characters - connecting to them emotionally more than you connect to literal, physical people in your life - causes problems. They just don't have the same existence or boundaries as you do. They resemble us, but they are not us.

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