Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to ...

Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.

My work for, and with, animals is just so rewarding. It's the best part of my life. It really is.

I've no idea if I want to do this for the rest of my life, so I want to try and work with the best people I can.

You can always go to uni later on in life. There's no set way. If you are at uni, work hard. Strive for your best.

The best part of my life is I've been hired to work for the people of the state of Maine, and I'm very humble and very proud.

I have my own orchard, and I also work with the Bloomington Community Orchard, which has been one of the best experiences of my life.

Integrate what you believe in every single area of your life. Take your heart to work and ask the most and best of everybody else, too.

You study all your life, you work really hard to do your best work onstage and onscreen, and then you make your best money playing an ant.

I had four fantastic years on 'Strictly' and they were honestly the best moments of my life - meeting friends, just seeing the whole team work.

I have a terrible work ethic. The best way for me to do anything in life is for someone to say, 'You need to do this by this time, or you're in trouble'.

I tell my staff, 'Give me your best, and then go home and live your life.' I've never asked anyone to work harder, but I've told plenty that they needed rest.

You want to be doing your best work whatever field of the arts you're in because your life's going to be over all too soon, and you have to make the most of it.

Since I turned 50, I've had the best year of my life and I now throw as much effort into the social side of my life as I do work - more so now than ever before.

Some people burn out, and some people like Clint Eastwood, he was a wild, international movie star in his 30s, and he's doing the best work of his life now. Go figure.

One must be prepared for some surprises in life - some things will work out your way, some won't. You just have to keep working and do things to the best of your ability.

When I am wrong, I will learn the lesson and move on to face other challenges. For me, that's what creating your own life is. Doing your best work while being your best self.

Management brings the best and worst out of me, and I think you have to find a distinction between what is work and what isn't work, because football can take over your life.

Veterans are my life's work. From the day my buddies saved my life in Iraq, I've woken up every single day dedicated to taking care of veterans and doing my best for veterans.

I figured I would go to the Olympics, give it my best, work hard, and once it was done, have some time to relax. I'd do a couple days of press and then go home to my normal life.

I don't see myself as famous; I see myself as a normal person with a job that is not very normal. My work life is very out there and very public. But I do my best to maintain my privacy.

Independent contractors - a rapidly growing piece of the workforce - can often achieve the best quality of life. They can choose from where they work, whom they work for and for how long.

Do I need fifty finger-painted pictures by my toddler, or is one enough to capture this time of life? Mementos work best when they're carefully chosen - and when they don't take up much room!

I've had to work hard all my life, and I will never, ever ask a fan or reader to pay for something I've rushed. It's not fair to them, and I will never give them anything except my absolute best.

Life is often compared to a marathon, but I think it is more like being a sprinter; long stretches of hard work punctuated by brief moments in which we are given the opportunity to perform at our best.

I would want to bring up my children. Therefore, I have no dream to make my mark. Instead, I enjoy economic freedom my hard work has given me. It means that I can give my children the best start in life.

If you're somebody that gets a chance to go somewhere... that has to work somewhere or go to another city, then do your best to see it. Because I just think that's the best way to have an interesting life.

Our Heavenly Father expects the best from each of us. We must believe in ourselves. Don't give in when the going gets rough. You are laying the foundation of a great work, and that great work is your life.

Making films is my hobby. It relaxes me; it is my life, and it's one of the best jobs in the world. I go to work and solve problems, fight robots, kill aliens, and kiss beautiful women. I'm a very lucky man.

Many people worry so much about managing their careers, but rarely spend half that much energy managing their LIVES. I want to make my life, not just my job, the best it can be. The rest will work itself out.

Whatever you do, do with determination. You have one life to live; do your work with passion and give your best. Whether you want to be a chef, doctor, actor, or a mother, be passionate to get the best result.

I think what makes our marriage work amid all the glare is that my husband is my best friend. He inspires everything in my life and enables me to do the best that I can. I want to hang out with him more than anyone.

Friendships naturally shift over life. We have different friends for different times in our lives, and sometimes it's not the best idea to hang on to a friendship to try to make it work if it's an unhealthy connection.

If you're a fat person - and especially if you're a woman - at all stages of your life you'll get abuse for it, so you have to work out a way of dealing with it. The best way is to be humorous about it - that defuses any tension.

When I was in high school, I wanted to be a counselor and I wanted to work with kids. I've been through the worst of high school. And I want to motivate people to live the best life that they can, because we're only here for one life.

Like many moms in this country, I work to provide my child the best life she can have. It's tough. It's hard to take care of a sick baby all night, wake up tired, and have to go to work when all I want to do is spend time holding her.

When you have balance in your life, work becomes an entirely different experience. There is a passion that moves you to a whole new level of fulfillment and gratitude, and that's when you can do your best... for yourself and for others.

Some people have been kind enough to call me a fine artist. I've always called myself an illustrator. I'm not sure what the difference is. All I know is that whatever type of work I do, I try to give it my very best. Art has been my life.

When we work on carving out balance in our lives, we are then shuttled to the superhighway of our best life fueled by our intention. The power and confidence comes from the knowledge that we can absolutely do something to achieve balance.

Work is the order of the day, just as it was at one time, with our first starts and our best efforts. Do you remember? Therein lies its delight. It brings back the forgotten; one's stores of energy, seemingly exhausted, come back to life.

A quarter of my life has been spent on 'Secret Life.' I'm 20 and I've been doing it for five years, so I think the best moments have been when all the cast members get to work together and we get to collaborate and share experiences. We all grew up together.

Being on stage was all about the palpable energy of a rapt audience hopefully buying into a life onstage. The immediate connection with the audience was the best part for me. The camera is not as fun, but your work is preserved forever. There's immortality to it.

Marrying Jared was the best decision I've ever made. You realize in life, not that many things matter that much, but your choice of a spouse is everything. We're truly partners - he supports my work and my ambitions. I know that he's always got my back, and I've got his.

Just because a woman is over 50 does not mean she no longer has anything to offer. If anything, we have so much more to offer! We have lived life, we get better with age. I do my best work now in my 60s. Sure, I could retire; but what would I do? Play Bingo? I think not!

It's been so nice for people to have a favorable reaction to what I've done. You work hard, and you try your best, and like anything in life, when people respond well to it, it's like, 'Well, good. I'm headed in the right direction here.' So it's been really, really nice.

We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we've established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.

'Spider-Man' was the best time of my life. I was there with my best friend. We shot in Atlanta. We shot every day and just had an absolute blast. 'Avengers' was crazy because you're on set every day with actors I never dreamed I would work with. I'm as much a fan as anyone else.

Right after 'Backspacer,' my best friend got killed tragically. Something happened to me then where I got super motivated. I had a shelf of all this unfinished music... So I just went to work and made a conscious decision that I was going to finish a bunch of stuff. Life's short.

I have not been a good father, but no father has loved his children more. Like my father, I decided the best thing I could do for my kids was work and provide. Fortunately, I've been able to do that. Unfortunately, my work was on the road, and that's meant a life of one-nighters.

My life is unrecognisable compared to what it was - 'Game of Thrones' has opened doors that were never there before. But it can be dangerous to see it in those terms, I think. It's best to take it as it comes and work as hard as you can, and hopefully the other things fall into place.

I want to be the best, but it comes with a lot of work. And it can be pressure if you put it on yourself in that way. But if I keep going the way I'm going, and with the good Lord guiding me the way he's been guiding me, and the way I let him take control of my life, the sky is the limit.

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