I was a member of the young liberals, the young conservatives, and young Labour, according to who gave the best parties.

Liberals don't believe in the ultimate concept of self-reliance, which is why they look to the government for stability.

Conservatives brayed that government should stay out of the private sector; liberals bleated for nationalizing the banks.

I wrote 'Bamboozled' to expose and uncover the lies liberals have used for generations to exploit minorities for the vote.

While millionaire Liberals like Justin Trudeau may want higher gas prices, hardworking Canadian families definitely do not.

Liberals do not appear to address potential solutions with anything like the far right's aura of God-given self-confidence.

Liberals, conservatives, Muslims, Jews, Christians, and I find - I think education is something that can bring us together.

Only liberals know how to make you freer on the job, which is where most of us suffer the gravest indignities in our lives.

Why is it that right-wing bastards always stand shoulder to shoulder in solidarity, while liberals fall out among themselves?

First there was racism. Then liberals created institutional racism and coded racism. You can only hear it with a dog whistle.

The 'takings' clause of the Fifth Amendment is for conservatives what the equal protection clause of the 14th is for liberals.

Liberals subscribe to the new flexible, pluralistic definition of the family; their defense of families carries no conviction.

You know, modern liberals are just, I think frankly, totally off the deep end... their only answer is to yell racism and hide.

I get along so much better with fundamentalist Christians than I do with wishy-washy liberals, who want everyone to get along.

We're liberals, so quitting is not an option. We will push through the hard days so we can celebrate together on the good ones.

Liberals want the government to get bigger, and they want you to drive smaller cars, and they want to dictate the way you live.

Liberals, many of them, not all of them, but many of them are obsessed with race. They see everything through a filter of race.

Have you ever noticed how hell-bent liberals are at making the United States seem inferior to other countries... to any country?

In general, liberals fear conservative judges far too much. In almost all areas, in fact, they dramatically overstate the stakes.

There are conservatives who say, 'Why would you show the country in a weak way?' And there are liberals who say I'm exploitative.

We do not have a racial crisis; we have an ideology crisis. We have socialists, Marxists, and liberals who have hijacked my race.

Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.

In practice, conservatives are no less inclined than liberals to adopt superior stances or to tell people how to live their lives.

We laugh at liberals who declare that their favorite spending programs should be exempt because the spending is for a noble cause.

Liberals have invented whole college majors - psychology, sociology and women's studies - to prove that nothing is anybody's fault.

Conservatism is a hard choice for a society that has become accustomed to big government and big entitlements promoted by liberals.

Very few checklist liberals will focus on transformational work if they are rewarded or punished only for their transactional work.

My fellow liberals need to open their minds and realize that not all Trump supporters are racist, sexist, or deplorable individuals.

One of the most pervasive political visions of our time is the vision of liberals as compassionate and conservatives as less caring.

Liberals sit from this lofty perch of pomposity, but they are the champions of ignorance. They don't know what they're talking about.

Almost everything I think we've accomplished for the good of the country has been because of liberals against conservative opposition.

I guess we'd better start getting used to the consequences and permit the American liberals to squeak and squeal us to ultimate defeat.

The Liberals are the flying saucers of politics. No one can make head nor tail of them and they never are seen twice in the same place.

While many liberals have dismissed the idea of political correctness as a right-wing manufactured hysteria, it is in fact a real thing.

The test for honest Americans or honest liberals is, are they going to defend a president they disagree with when he's being victimized.

Liberals love to screech about 'free speech,' but it's pretty clear to most of us that they don't really tolerate any speech but theirs.

When you stand your ground, and you are attacked by liberals and attacked by the press, that is going to earn you the respect of voters.

The Negro revolution is controlled by foxy white liberals, by the Government itself. But the Black Revolution is controlled only by God.

After watching the shrill reaction from liberals to the George Zimmerman verdict, I am reminded about why I'm proud to be a conservative.

Here's the deal: when conservatives lose elections, they change their strategy. When liberals lose elections, they want to change the rules.

Embryonic stem cell research wears no political stripes - it is embraced by conservatives, liberals, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.

Justin Trudeau tries to say that Canada is back. I say the Liberals are back - back to ignoring the rules and abusing the privileges of power.

Democrats couldn't care less if people in Indiana hate them. But if Europeans curl their lips, liberals can't look at themselves in the mirror.

Primarily motivated by a desire to keep abortion 'safe, legal and rare,' female liberals in the media have carte blanche to do and say anything.

Liberals like using government to solve problems in OUR country and conservatives are using our government to solve problems in OTHER countries.

It's not that conservatives don't care. We do. We just have different answers than liberals do. It's a difference of the mind, not of the heart.

According to liberals, I'm not supposed to exist. I know that I am going to be a target for the Left. I have something to say to them: 'Game On.'

Liberals are concerned about the concentration of wealth because it almost inevitably leads to a concentration of power that undermines democracy.

Liberals will continue to put forward positive solutions that will help our economy grow and give all Canadians a real and fair chance at success.

While the form of treachery varies slightly from case to case, liberals always manage to take the position that most undermines American security.

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