When political figures are shown on television or in movies, it's always the liberal Democrats that are shown to be humane, caring people.

Although I grew up in London, I spent summers in Missouri, where my dad lived. It's quite a liberal town, Kansas City. You'd be surprised.

Of course the Liberal Democrats are going to say things to try and get attention - but I don't think the country is paying much attention.

I swing both ways. I can see things from a kind of conservative point of view and from a more socially liberal or left-wing point of view.

I was never a liberal. I was radical. I was cynical. I was negative. But, I was never a liberal. I always saw that as too lukewarm for me.

It should go without saying that there are as many working-class people who hold socially liberal views as there are public-school bigots.

Government social programs introduced in the '60s by liberal Democratic politicians seduced black men into relying on 'programs' over God.

My personal advice is to go to school first and get a liberal arts education, and then if you want to pursue acting, go to graduate school.

Having been raised overseas, I wanted to become a diplomat. But the State Department thought I was too 'liberal' to be happy with that job.

I'm liberal, but I watch the three majors. Obviously I watch MSNBC, also CNN and Fox, which is what I would call ridiculously to the right.

It is my determination that we, as a party, continue to make that fundamental restatement of liberal values in the politics of our country.

The Liberal party has always worked with multiple parties in the House to make sure we're being governed in the best interest of Canadians.

It is an old liberal theme that conservative ideas, being red in tooth and claw, cannot possibly emerge from any notion of the public good.

Hollywood pushes a liberal agenda to the rest of the country. And, whether we like it or not, Hollywood dictates the culture of the country.

I would like to thank my colleagues for voting a Social Democrat prime minister and to assure them I will vote a liberal president, as well.

The role of a liberal arts college within a university is to be a genuine part of that university, giving and responding to the other parts.

I have a liberal definition of news because I think news can be what excites people. I'm not very sanctimonious about what news is and isn't.

If pluralism and academic freedom are to be used to defend liberal speakers and ideas, they ought to be equally valid for conservative views.

In the world of language, or in other words in the world of art and liberal education, religion necessarily appears as mythology or as Bible.

I reject the premise that liberal and libertarian values are necessarily in conflict. In fact, I often self-identify as a 'classical liberal.'

It is a truth universally acknowledged, in the enlightened liberal semi-socialist California circles in which I often move, that Uber is evil.

Russia will not soon become, if it ever becomes, a second copy of the United States or England - where liberal value have deep historic roots.

Liberal judges tend to be expansive about things like equal protection, while conservatives read more into ones like 'the right to bear arms.'

My father felt that his world of ideas was too liberal for traditional rabbinical teachings, and he looked for a chance to find a way in life.

Politicians want people to be nice neighbours, but the tools at their disposal are just the tools of modern liberal society, which are nothing.

As with most liberal sexual ideas, what makes the world a better place for men invariably makes it a duller and more dangerous place for women.

You would better educate ten women into the practice of liberal principles than to organize a thousand on a platform of intolerance and bigotry.

We want to have a conversation about what does it mean to be liberal in the 21st century and how do we go about creating that kind of a society.

Margaret Thatcher was pro-choice. She voted to decriminalize homosexuality. Was not profoundly religious. She was very liberal on social issues.

Even I felt sorry for Richard Nixon when he left; there's nothing you can do about being born liberal - fish gotta swim, and hearts gotta bleed.

The cookie-cutter liberal, the standard operating procedure liberal, is really a giant ignoramus. I mean that seriously. They're really ignorant.

The problem with liberal Protestantism in America is not that it has not been orthodox enough, but that it has lost a lot of religious substance.

Whole Foods is a wonderland molded to accommodate the psyche of the socially-responsible, guilt-ridden liberal - the crunchy Kucinich capitalist.

Because liberalism typically doesn't sell in American presidential politics, liberal candidates tend to run as culturally conservative centrists.

I think our stance on Brexit has perhaps been one of the most powerful things in helping people to recognise the values of the Liberal Democrats.

Law builds upon and, I should like to claim, is one of the liberal arts. It uses words of persuasion and changing definitions for practical ends.

There's nothing on this green earth that a liberal progressive fears more than a black American who wants a better life and a smaller government.

The days of using my name as a pejorative are now over. The right wing turned me into an accidental spokesperson for the liberal, majority agenda.

We don't see ourselves as liberal or conservative. We consider ourselves an outlet that addresses the issues that matter the most to our audience.

To my mind, the education of children - girl children, specifically - is what really creates an enlightened society. It creates a liberal society.

To my knowledge, there is no blacklist. But there is a mindset, even among liberal producers, that says 'He may be difficult, so let's avoid him.'

As you know, divorce is still not allowed in the Catholic Church. But here insert a large 'however' - she is liberal in the granting of annulments.

If I, as a liberal, didn't speak out against those who would squelch the free speech of conservatives, I wouldn't deserve to call myself a liberal.

Fashion is quite inclusive and good at embracing different things and different forms of beauty. It's a very liberal industry. You can be yourself.

I suspect that even today, with all the progress we have made in liberal thought, the quality of true tolerance is as rare as the quality of mercy.

Wisconsin is a very liberal state and a very conservative state. We're the home of the progressive movement. We're the home of the Republican Party.

I made a commitment... both to myself and to some supporters to carefully consider a run for the Liberal leadership for the Liberal Party of Canada.

I'm a huge fan of the liberal arts approach of teaching you to think, analyze, and communicate, then sending you out into the world to cause trouble.

I'm not terribly focused on whether I even could ever become the Leader of the Liberal Party or the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party in the future.

People don't know I've got a deep social conscience. I'm a child of the Depression, born in 1933. My parents were very liberal in their social views.

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